
Blog entry from Unity08: Select & Elect a Unity Ticket in the 2024 Presidential Race

Unity08 Update: Moving Forward

posted by Doug Bailey on October 16, 2024 - 11:07am

We’ve been going so fast and furious that an update is long-overdue. We just decided that there was no sense competing with the present ongoing election frenzy in seeking coverage of all of this. (That frenzy in every way simply enhances the likely success of Unity08. Has anyone seen a bigger political mess with less leadership from all sides?)

So here goes a quick report.

  1. The Rules Committee is busy at its task. It is giving a lot of attention, by the way, to the process of delegates drafting a candidate or ticket. Many of us feel that in the end that is the process that may prove the most likely fashion of attracting the most powerful ticket that can be put forward.
  2. We will start the ballot access process immediately after this November’s elections. Steptoe & Johnson has done exhaustive research on all 50 states, and while there will be places where it will be tough, it looks a lot easier than many of us expected. (There are some states which simply let you walk in, sign a slip of paper, and be on the ballot. In most places it requires a significant number of signatures, but nowhere seems impossible.) We’re picking some starting places now and going after it immediately.
  3. Official delegate registration will open January 1st on the web site. And look for an opportunity after November 7th to start “pre-registration” with some special rewards for those who sign up early.
  4. If you haven’t seen it, take a look at the college site (click here). With 200+ college groups in action, we are looking toward at least doubling that number by the end of the academic year. We think the college students will be out front of the effort to secure ballot access signatures and to sign up delegates.
  5. Some wonderful high school leaders (too young to vote, but old enough to lead) will be passing a Unity Petition at the polls this November 7th – aimed at Congress with a message to stop the blame-game politics. You can help them, by going to their site (click here) and seeing who is active in your state and volunteering to lend a hand. They need parents as voting place coordinators. They need folks to recruit their own local schools. And they especially need people who can help reproduce petitions and handout sheets for Election Day.
  6. Taking into account the very helpful suggestions and debate that you have conducted here on the web site, we have designed an innovative and powerful way to approach the issues. We call it the American Agenda. By polling, the delegates and public will determine the crucial issues confronting the country. We will present on the website a panoply of expert opinions on each crucial issue, spanning the full spectrum of responsible solutions. Through discussion, debate and polling, the delegates will settle on the questions that the candidates should answer relating to each issue. Unity08’s American Agenda will be the questions; the candidate’s answers will represent his/her American Agenda and platform. We think it takes the silly party platform process of the two parties and stands it on its head. We would be surprised if the media doesn’t take the Unity08 American Agenda of questions and present them forcefully to all candidates, regardless of party.
  7. Our financing theory is that with a million dollar “bridge” fund of 200 contributions of $5000, we will be able to finance the effort fully until such point in early 2024 when the small contribution funds contributed by willing delegates can self-finance the operation. By the way if you wish by part of the Unity08 200, please let us know by emailing Thanks.
  8. We have been busy briefing potential 2024 candidates and their staffs as they or friends request it. These are done on a totally confidential basis, but we can report that virtually no one disagrees with the premise that the two party system seems to be broken at the moment and needs to be fixed. It is our goal to be able to show them, as time moves along, that we can put 5-10 million delegates in the hall, get a slot for the ticket on every state ballot, and enable them to raise $100,000,000 or more in campaign funds from the delegate list after the convention has chosen them as the ticket. That will draw leaders.
  9. We are systematically recruiting both political and celebrity spokespersons for the effort, so that come the presidential season that starts on November 8th we will have powerful voices to carry our message.

Thank you for your patience and your support. America needs another one of those things called a rebirth of freedom. Unity08 can be that for our time. And you will make it happen.

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