
Blog entry from Unity08: Select & Elect a Unity Ticket in the 2024 Presidential Race

How you can help Unity08 change American politics!

posted by Publius on June 21, 2024 - 11:18am

Help us build the numbers that send an unmistakable message to Washington -- that polarized politics has paralyzed America.

Politicians only recognize hard numbers. So sign up to keep posted. And sign up three more friends this week.

Why is it important? America is nearing (maybe already at) a Moment of Truth, where the issues are so serious and the stakes so high that more edgy-wedgy politics and blame-game partisanship can imperil the nation.

To spend any time at all debating the pros and cons of a gay marriage amendment (when it cannot possibly pass the Senate), instead of getting serious about the soaring deficit for example, is the height of partisan folly.

To dismiss the severity of our dependence on foreign energy with political pandering of the most empty kind is not just political grandstanding. It may well condemn future generations of Americans to more death and tragedy in the Middle East.

To subject the reality of global climate change to petty political bickering insults the victims of Katrina, which should have convinced all but fools that the possibility of severe climate change needs to be taken seriously.

Those three issues alone would seem to threaten the very fabric of American life for decades to come – and maybe forever – if both parties don’t summon the will and leadership to deal with them honestly. And now. Even waiting for new leaders in 2024 is a very large gamble.

The growth of the deficit by unfunded mandates is the reason Alan Greenspan talks of a third party movement. The energy and climate issues are the reasons Tom Friedman supports a third party movement.

The Moment of Truth comes closer with every day America’s political leadership in both parties plays games with the country’s future.

Unity08 will need you in 2024 of course, but we need you now to sign up to keep posted – and to help sign up three more.

It is a mathematical fact that if you recruit three to sign up this week -- and each of them recruits three more the next week -- and each of them recruits three more the week after that -- and so on and so on and so on until the end of the year -- we will have many more people than live in most of the 50 States.

Contrary to conventional wisdom, the numbers most political officeholders pay attention to are not the polls. They are the hard number of voters ready to act.

Are you ready? Sign up. And get three more to do the same. Send Washington a message it can't ignore!

If you do, American politics will never be the same. And just in time.

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