Unity08 Blog: Open for debate

posted by Publius on May 31, 2024 - 11:02am

The response has been big and astounding. Keep it coming. We have just begun to fight to change American politics.

One concern raised by some needs to be addressed head on: Some experienced bloggers expect/want Unity08 to arrive with a specific platform position on every issue.

We repeat what we said in our statement of purpose: We will have an agenda, not a platform. Our agenda is the list of issues that the public feels are crucial that Washington is not addressing – energy independence, quality education, affordable health care, rising national debt and many more.

But we don’t come to this with a platform. We invite you to debate and offer solutions – and ultimately we invite candidates to run for President on the Unity08 banner with their own platform on the crucial issues.

We would stifle the debate if the web site has pre-determined answers. And most American voters know that the crucial issues are very complex, don’t have simple answers, and progress will require debate, discussion and maybe even consensus or compromise.

What’s sad and interesting is that in Washington none of those things are happening on any of the crucial issues. No debate, no discussion, no consensus and no compromise. Washington is polarized and paralyzed.

So to all who expect Unity08 to have all the answers and to be certain of everything, we may disappoint you. To those who relish debate, serious discussion, and finding candidates for leadership ready to discuss crucial issues seriously, we hope to excite you.

Spending a lot of time in Washington is dangerous for your mental health, apparently. But spending a lot of time watching Washington causes you to be very wary of two types: Those who need to read the polls before they know what they think – and those who seem certain of every answer even before the questions are asked.

At Unity08 our forum and our minds are open. Blog on!

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I just read "Unity ticket and people of faith" Submitted by James E. Bradley.

Please let us keep church and state separate. BTW, you can't be Pro-life and support the death penalty, war, and the NRA -- It is not logical.

America is not the country that it used to be. At one time in our history we had officals that cared for the people. Today, while wearing their $2000.00 pair of shoes, it is pointless to get their attention without a check. This is wrong. We the people must take a stand and say "NO MORE!" We must elect members that want to SERVE instead of being served.

I am willing to debate any subject (and I believe that I can hang with the best). I think that I can find middle ground where others can not. My opinion for the reason that our government can not find middle ground is because of money. They are not representing the people, but the money.

If we don't make the change, then who will?

Watching The News Hour tonight, I felt something I have not felt in a long time: Hope and a desire to register to vote.
I love my country and what it stands for. I have longed to connect with like minds who are willing to do whatever it takes to change the "business as usual" of the politics of Democrats and Republicans in Washington.
There is such a blatant disregard of anything and everything that is sacred, honorable, responsible, accountable, private and ethical in this Presidency, Senate and House of Representatives. Everything is a "spinned" opportunity.
Who can honestly say that the past election and most certaintly this election will be a legally, sanctioned "Watergate"? Or another specially delivered fixed election?
Given all that,I think my vote will count this time. Thanks Unity08!

I think there are natural reasons to be skeptical, but if no one tries, we seal the demise of good, fair government in the United States with our own apathy. I think that, even should this thing get off the ground and secure a viable candidate who carries some votes, and avoid turning into one candidate's PAC, it will take more than a big showing in '08 to transform American politics- Perot's runs in '92 and '96 have in so many respects failed to alter the nation's policymaking the way Perot had intended it to. In order to fundamentally change politics we would need to put together an institution that runs candidates at all levels of the government. This is not possible to do in two years, but the Presidential campaign is a starting point that will, with hard work, materialize into something greater. And, moreover, this is something we have to do- not because it's likely to succeed, but because we can no longer expect the job of real reform to be done by our elected officials.

This is great!!! As a Democrat and also someone who was a founding member of the Las Vegas office of the Reform Party as well as United We Stand America. We need a third party that takes the middle ground to be a check on the other two.

On my radio show Subject 2 Discussion, I have said until we get a third party we have to have a split government. Give the Dems the house and let them be the check on the Senate and on Bush.


I beleave it would better to cause the outcome of an election then have any one run .what we need is more of a national spokesperson that has the talent to get press.Let the right and left know they are not the majority just the best funded with the most press.all we need is too get together and talk about real issues

I heard about unity08.com on PBS News Hour tonight. It's just what I've wanted--what I've been writing we needed to email forums and friends.

  • Unity.   Not uniformity of thought--but unity to do what's most needed in America and around the globe where it's wanted.
  • Industrial and national infrastructure.   Repair, add new, attend to foundational need now,
  • Reduce risk of global warming.   Do it before absolute proof is obvious to all.
  • Energy independence.   Another Marshall Plan.
  • Outproduce deficit and debt. Increase savings --indexed to hold purchasing power.   To minimize taxes and inflation as much as possible.

I wish the interviewer knew how to ask questions but that aside I was moved out of my numb hopelessness that no matter what; Baby Bush would leave his "man" in his place! And out of the blue people are talking about the 'log jam' in Washington. Those in power(both parties) and yes, I always vote, don't care about what gets done they care about staying in power both dem's and rep's. We must take back our country and I thought there wasn't any way. I thought it was to late. We must be very careful that this does not melt down into a war of words between the far right and left. That tactic has kept most people paralyzed for too long. Leave Abortion and Gay marriage to the philosphers and let's work on the environment, FEMA, finishing things in Iraq, MEDICARE PART D!,preparing for natural disasters, and upholding the Constitution while keeping our people safe.

It does not matter whether you believe the climate is warming, cooling or staying the same.

The important thing is that we have the knowledge to understand how to control some basic elements that drive the climate. We need the political will to begin the effort to put these controls in place.

We also have the knowledge to make this hemisphere energy independent but again we need the will to undertake the projects and build the infrastructure that can make a hydrocarbon free energy system a reality for our children.

That's right it will take fifty years to fully put in place such an infrastructure! It has taken over a hundred years to make the worldwide infrastructure for oil and natural gas we have today.

These things can only be done by GENERATIONS of people committed to the task along with a succession of leaders who are committed to a rational future with an electorate who can set aside special interests for the health of their children and all living things on our spaceship earth.

Such GENERATIONAL focus characterized past affiliated political parties- Republican reformers (remember Teddy Roosevelt?) for over 50 years. Labor movement Democrats also took fifty years from the 1920's to their peak in 1970's. Generations of people all pulling for a basic vision for a majority of our people! We can do it again! Let's blog together to make a centrist vision for America.

We need leaders who talk straight and are willing to make the tough decisions without regard to political correctness or extremist bases on the left or right.

I commend and thank you for your efforts to get this conversation started. By virtue of the rapid response, it's safe to say your efforts are timely (and hopefully not too late).

Has anyone taken Sociology 101 lately?

The progression of studies and theories by Weber to Mills to Domhoff seems too apparent to discount.

I hope and pray for success in this venture.

Hello. I just found out about the Unity '08 campaign and want to state my strong support for forging a third way for our country. I have had a slogan in my mind since the 2024 presidential campaign. The slogan is one that I was hoping to hear from either the Democratic or Republican party; but, alas, it has only existed in my mind up to this day. Now, after learning of Unity '08, I would offer my slogan as a contribution to the spirit of this endeavor. Here it is:

Unity: Because a Republican idea is good for our republic and a Democratic idea is good for our democracy.

I hope that I will have the chance to vote for a Unity '08 third way candidate in November 2024.


What! No Founders from Calif???

This century brings challenge to USA a fierce competition from abroad to the extet that our future position for our industrial complex to maintain its superiority is in jeapordy. After 12 years of schooling at an average cost of +10K per year of tax payer money our kids in greater percent are deficient in science and math proficiency. We need to introduce college level curriculum in 11th and 12th grade for those kids who are talented to pursue higher education. This proposed approach could save average family 20K t0 40k per child for them to have an opportunity to finish at University to comple their B.S in two years or Master in four years by having completes two years college level courses at tax-payer expense. I believe that present generation is much smarter to day than generation of few decades ago and raising the bar of learning challenge at school level will impose no prolem. Please reflect on it, the future of our ation is at stake.

When I saw the report on the NewsHour about Unity08, I felt a twinge of hope. Others are feeling the same thing I've been feeling for years--being totally disconnected from the political process because both parties are completely out of touch with my values and concerns. I've almost given up hope that anything could be accomplised in this country anymore due to partisan bickering. Politicians deal with other as if they were teenagers about to duke it out on the playground.

You know what I would like--to feel like my vote for a candidate counts for something. I'd like to feel some real optimism about the future because our country is moving forward on solving problems like shrinking our dependence on foreign oil, creating more access to healthcare, resolving the situation in Iraq, shrinking the national debt, and providing wider access to higher education. And I'm also concerned about national security. How do we provide for the security of our nation without taking away the basic freedoms that define us as Americans. Tough issues.

I'm just a little bit afraid to hope too much. Everytime someone comes along who has a new way of approaching the country's problems, with a real desire to do the hard work to fix what's wrong, he or she gets ground down to dust by the news media, and the Republican and Democratic political machines. And the American public unfortunately falls for it. It's hard not to feel manipulated. It's hard to tell what the truth is anymore in regard to politics and government.

I hope that Unity08 succeeds in starting the momentum to move this country in a more positive direction. I'm willing to give it a chance.

Hooray ! Let's get going ! But this needs to be broader based than just the presidential contest, and dating it to '08 implies a limited life.
UNITY is an apt name for a movement to assemble individuals from all walks, and once assembled should become a vibrant body.
Let's play up pulling people together and resist the impulse to spout-off with our personal philosphies.

I love this idea. I have often thought that the only way we can get our country back was through the internet. I have one problem with the stated format of let's say "drafting" from current political party's I feel we should draft someone who is not a politician already, because none of them work for us now. They work for power and money (big business) in other words they are all owened by someone else not the "American People" the actions of our (thier) current goverment should leave no doubt in any reasonable persons mind. They will ride any wave they can to stay in power so they can continue to serve thier current masters, including this wave, if we allow them to.

We are all faced with many problems in this world of ours.Out of a few selected candidates decided by the democrats or rebublicans that post there candidates for us to vote upon come election time, we are to make are decision come the next 4 years.Everything thereafter gets stuck in this beurocracy getting voted upon in the house and senate and maybe even vetoed by authority of presidency.Do we as Americans get a say in what really comes out of all of this.It seems that politicians put there own interest and opinions into issues and the average person feels helpless.I think we ned a change to allow people to interactively take there votes and adopt bills and change.Just like american idol votes.More people participated in that vote than the presidential elections.Why not really give back the power to the people to vote on bills and issues instead of elected officials that noone has much choice to vote on in the firstplace.In this new age of internet this is the way America should do things.The way of elected officials should be stoneage and we should wake up.

Thank You for starting the Unity Party movement. I have been saying forever that the two party system no longer works for but rather works against us and that we need a third choice.

I am tired of being put in a box where you are either too the right or left and no middle ground or room for compromising.

I am tired of politicians picking their voters with Gerry Mandering the districts.We the people no longer have the choice in who represents us.

I am tired of politicians that cater to special interests and big business at the expense of the ordinary citizen. We need to eliminate lobbyist influence and institute term limits on congress.

Judges have gotten to political and ideological.Judges now make rulings based on their party affiliations rather having the independence to make rulings.

It's time we took back our Country from self serving politicians, special interests and big business.

I look forward to being involved deeply in forming a third party that will bring people together rather than split us!

It's about time we make a REAL change....let's create the world that we boomers knew was possible thirty five years ago. We have it within our technolgical know how to END polution, create energy WITHOUT fossil fuels or nuclear waste, produce HEALTHY, (organic)food for EVERYONE, and create affordable homes that are healthy for the inhabitants and healing for the environment. We need to create a political environment that is NOT controlled by big business. We must STOP the slide into a WALMART SOCIETY where there are only two groups of people...the very, very rich, and those who have to go on public support to supplement their income. We must have and ECONOMY that respects the value of honest work and a truely LIVING wage. No one should PROFIT at the EXPENSE of another. We need to learn from our TRUE founding fathers and mothers that we must form our decisions with the next SEVEN GENERATIONS in mind and remember that we have a responsibility to them. And, when ANY soldier dies in a war, ANY WAR, we must say "What NEED was not met that CAUSED this war?" or "Whose GREED will be fed by the BLOOD of this child/my child? Lastly, we must not be lulled into INACTION or CONTROLLED BY FEAR, manipulated to stand by and allow our bithright as citizens to be STOLEN under a so-called Patriot Act. GET UP, GET INVOLVED. FEAR NOTHING EXCEPT THE CONSEQUENCES OF OUR OWN INACTION. May God, in His/Her many names which are as diverse as we are, TRUELY bless this country.

so excited about this. would love to vote for someone instead of against someone, for something instead of against. can we really find polititions that will work to do a good job for the country instead of just trying to keep their job? our nations problems are many and complex, but they can be solved. clean government and all that entails would be my number 1 priority.

When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty, and there is nothing more to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader.

Two very broad trends drive most of this nation’s difficulties, current and coming. These can and should be addressed directly.

1) The worsening distribution of wealth.
2) The decay in the separation of church and state.

The course of this nation can not change for the better without reversing these trends.

I think $25 should be the limit recieved from any donor, individual or corporation. easily affordable by all, and with new ways such as internet, getting a message out should not be too difficult.
I also believe 2 consecutive terms should be enough. Skip a term, go home, get back with the real people. If they think you were any good, fine, run again. But I think it is important to skip a term just to stay grounded.
I also think once you are done being a polititian you should not be able to go back as a lobbyist, or any other kind of influence peddler.

Saw your clip on the NEWS HOUR last night. Had been talking to a friend the day before about the state of the political climate and how this election cycle is ripe for a third party. Why is this? As a moderate I'll keep it simple.

I don't want to vote democratic because I don't want higher taxes, overzealous regulations, and an immoral attitude on multiple issues symbolized by oral sex in the Oval Office.

I don't want to vote republican because I don't think every country that does not like America is our enemy or a threat to our security. I don't want an aggressive, in your face, winner take all attitude best symbolized by the Enron and Abramoff scandals (and their AM radio talk show equivalents).

I don't want either party because they have both gotten fat and corrupt using earmarks.

I am sick of being shouted down by those on the extreme right and seduced by those on the extreme left. I am tired of being made to feel like a loser because I want reason and balance in public policy. The moderate road is not very romantic or sexy but it works. For example, Clinton allowed repeated attacks on this country without giving a response or strategy to address the issue. Now Bush wants to invade every country that looks at us wrong. It is like we treating frost bite by turning a blow touch onto ourselves. Where is the wisdom?

My suggestion is that you form a new party with grass roots organization in each state. Do create a platform over the next two years. I agree we need to address problems that are currently being ignored. We also need to have balance in our solutions to the problems we are addressing now. Let the extreme elements in each party take control of the Dems and the Reps They will then become a minority or special interest party.

I think the future of our country depends on your success.

I couldn't agree more with those who say the bitter and acidic partisanship in Washington is ripping our country apart. I never thought I would live to see an American president during a world war being threatened by the opposition party with impeachment!

The Founding Fathers hated political parties even more than they despised unions, and there is not a word about political partisans in any founding document. Yet, before the ink was dry on the U.S. Constitution, there were already Federalists and Anti-federalists.

I'm all for the idea of a viable so-called Third Party which can seriously challenge the two major political parties we have today. But, if Ross Perot couldn't do it with unlimited money, I'm not sure it can be done except by natural attrition of Republicans and Democrats away from their own parties.

Washington is out of touch with ordinary Americans, as the immigration issue has proved to a few remaining doubters. Members of both parties waited until the problem was at crisis level before even addressing it.

But, political parties are not just about issues and platforms. They are about process and approaches to problem solving as well.

I'm looking forward to hearing more about -- and from -- unity08 in the near future.

Just like Perot did, this may take republican votes away and get another Clinton elected.

You say you will run on Centrist themes? That is just what the democrats have been wishing for!

I question the real motives behind this movement........

When unity08 refers to parties on their mission statement, they ignore other viable parties that would be stronger than they currently are if it were not for the rules passed by these same two parties that unity08 wants to fix.
Our government was not set up by the founding fathers on two parties.

I have been saying this for years, We need a party that has one of each party to get things back in order in our country.

I am tired of all the tit for tat in D.C. This gets nothing done, And when something gets done they all waste time running to the cameras to show how great they are, then by the end of the month the hate each other again.
I dont think anyone should be allowed to vote themselves a raise. Just figure if you could tell your boss you giving yourself a raise of lets say 25% that should be put to a vote and term limits should be imposed also.
If this party is going to go any place it needs to show leadership, strength, and MUST be strong on family values and defense and get back to our founding fathers intent.


...and start looking at facts.

I heard about this movement on Fox but after looking at it I see the same agenda-driven wackos I see at any partisan website. Of course, some of you might hate me already because I actually watch Fox. Nevermind that I do not put much faith, nor do I base my opinions on what I hear from the mainstream media (too few facts).

Nonetheless, the problem with the modern political debate in this country is that people have put less emphasis on things such as logic and facts.

Here are some false assumptions I have already seen on this site:

1) Many scientists do know conclusively know what is causing global warming; therefore, assuming that it is caused by us or that driving hybrids can stop it is bad logic.

2) The enviromental destruction of our earth has been predicted for the last 30 years. According to some, we should already have gone extinct. Yet we have MORE known resources than before.

3) Economies are grown, and not a zero-sum game. For example: when I trade a dollar for a 20-liter Mountain Dew, it is because I value the Mt. Dew more than the dollar, and the vendor values the opposite. Therefore we have both profited when we trade. This happens every second of everyday, and it is a basic economic concept. In otherwords, no one is
"exploiting" anyone when they profit from voluntary trade.

BTW, taxes by nature are not voluntary.

4) Gas prices are high(er) because of increased demand (from emerging economies such as China and India) coupled with restricted supply from the middle east and our own needless environmental regulations. Also know that while the oil companies are making between 7-10% profit from every gallon, the government makes about 17% percent profit per gallon via taxes. For more info, go here:

5) You are not a victim of anything other than the consequences of your own choices. Take some responsibility for yourself and stop blaming others.

6) Everything that is bad in the world did not happen after Bush was elected. Feel free to disagree with the man (I disagree with him myself on some issues), but this pathological hatred stuff needs to stop if we are going to have a rational discussion of the issues.

I could go on, but these are just things I noticed here. All of these issues need to be looked at rationally, with logic and facts, not with agendas wrapped in hyperbole and rhetoric.

I don't think having a two party combo candidacy solves the problem. The real problem is that Americans expect too little from our Representatives. We should demand that they 'focus' on problems. We should demand that they approach issues without lobbyist monies, listen to their constituents, and discuss and debate in a respectful and civil manner. In other words, our representatives should be 'statesmen' not 'Jerry Springer guests'.

I think a unity ticket will further today's partisanship.

The best thing to do would be to really listen to your representatives and kick out any who don't comply with what I stated above.

I've been around the political sites for almost a decade now. I give it about six months before this site is taken over by 'moveon.org/DU' and becomes an 'impeach Bush' site.

Just my two cents.

But, that being said, the motives of this site are good and true to Americans being discusted with the behavior of Washington these days. It should not have taken the "Minutemen" for Congress to address the 'immigration problem'. It should not take a bancrupt Social Security fund for Congress to address SSA reform. We expect Washington to 'be on top' of the issues, a step ahead -- not decades behind.

We all want them to behave with America's interest at heart.

Maybe some good will come from this site, however. Maybe Unity '08 will be to politics what the Minuetemen were to immigration reform. Time will tell.


From all appearances we are the founding group and we just haven't made it to the list yet. I can assure you that I among others are from California. In fact I'm from Berkeley and only a few houses away from the folks that started MoveOn.org.

American Infidel

You make many points with which I can agree:

I am one of the founding team members of EarthDay (1970). I agree that some doomsayers (including people like Paul Erhlick back in the late sixties) have been predicting dire outcomes for some time actually much longer then 30 years (in the modern era for the last sixty years).

Its important to recognize (and I'm not accusing you of failing to do so-yet) that the science of ecology in which many (but not all environmentalists) abide is still very immature but sound, and does not make future predictions about broad systems it cannot properly assess.

That said we need not debate things like global warming instead we should plan out the positive technologies and programs that can give us options about climate control and energy. Understanding that we will never in our or our childrens lifetimes eliminate oil, natural gas and vegatation based fuels from contributing carbon and carbon dioxide to the environment. Nor should such total elimination be anyones goal.

First we need to define the ends we wish to achieve.

Then we need to layut a plan under which in 50 years or less we can achieve these goals.

I'll put my two cents in and penny by penny we can build a movement.

How very timely and badly needed, thank you ever so much for providing a political party threw Unity08.com were an individual can look forward to various agendas being set before platforms.
Again, thank you! I look forward to being a voting member.

President: Chuck Hagel (Neb, R)
VP: Barck Obama (Ill, D)

In my first point of my last post, I meant to say:

"Many scientists do not know conclusively know what is causing global warming; therefore, assuming that it is caused by us or that driving hybrids can stop it is bad logic"

This is what i get for being in a rush and not proofreading.


I have not seen any proof that "climate control" is viable policy - that is, beyond controlling smog. Other than that, there is no hard data that say, getting rid of SUV's will have any effect on global temperatures.

Another thing I have problems with is the false idea (based in now disproven Keynesian economic theory), that we can efficiently engineer an economy in the first place. When in fact an economy (and the "market" for that matter) are nothing more than the sum of billions of seperate, individual choices made by 290 million Americans every day. They will make those choices based on what they see as beneficial to themselves (and rightly so), regardless of what some politician or talking head on TV says. That is not to say that people live in a vacuum, but that they care thinking creatures able to make their own economic decisions in their own best interests.

The Unity08 Platform shall focus on actions not philosophies.

We shall require spokes people (executive, legislative and judicial representatives of our platform)i.e., the people who are the candidates we endorse and support to subscribe to our action list and its 50 year plus vision for change.

Goal 1

Create a north-south superconducting power line from northern Canada to the Pananma Canal. Make provision for a buried superconducting line with an associated magnetic levitation ultra-high speed low energy train transport to move goods and people along this corridor.

As part of this effort funded by the US, Canada and Mexico create a free trade zone (North American Union) with standard identification and complete freedom of movement (but not automatic citizenship- including for children born in a country visited by any member citizen- i.e. no more birth based citizenship in the US or Canada from non-citizen parents) just as presently exists in Europe.

Set up a border control system in Panama for the entire free trade zone. Put together a combined North American sea force for ocean related smuggling and illegal immigration.

Such a power distribution system permits Electrical Energy Storage and the use of hydro and solar to make signifigant contributions the grid helping substantially to reduce fossil fuel consumption for North America while LOWERING ENERGY COSTS and promoting MASS TRANSIT.

Once built the addition of one or more east west power transports and train systems would create an infrastructure vastly more efficient and productive then any that exists today- i.e., more riches and lower cost energy and transport for everyone in North America.

I've many more suggestions but there is plenty of time. Lets kick this one around.
Then I'll tell you how Unity08 can change the climate and control the influx of pesky asteroids,droughts and nasty hurricanes.

Note that this goal has many specific effects on immigration control (eliminates most issues for the North American continent and makes the control problem a narrower enforcement issue), labor pools, and enormous benefits to energy use and availability.

An official doesn't take an oath to solve the various problems mentioned, but to "preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution" or to "execute the duties" of his office. They have been violating the Constitution, and before they can do anything else, they have to achieve and maintain strict constitutional compliance. That could involve adopting some amendments, but until formally amended, they should exercise no powers not delegated by the Constitution, even if that means discontinuing much of what the government is doing.

American Infidel

Can I call you Fidel? Do you like cigars - I do a good maduro 60 ring can do wonders for the soul (and drive other Berkeley types to cross the street when they spy my stogie).

By the way it would be nice to have a spell and grammar checker that worked on our blog text wouldn't it? Maybe the mysterious purveyors of this blog can pop for the 2 hour effort to plug one in for all of us.

I am not proposing forcing any action on the economy or engineering it in any way except as we have by repeated proven results in the past.

Example- we have created infrastructure as a people through subsidy, tax breaks and direct funding.

We as a people created:

Transcontinental Railroads.
A vast Highway system.
The internet (DarpaNet).

All of these were and are enabling infrastructure which has brought enormous wealth to all Amnericans and at least one Cuban (Mark that is).

I was in High School when Ike became President, but I still remember some of his words. He said he wanted to be President of ALL the people, not just republicans, not just democrats, but everyone. I think one of the weaknesses of our two party system is that the leaders of those parties feel a need to cater to their "base" those from the far political right or left. Not enough attention is paid to the vast number of people in the center of the political road. Our President should respect the views of ALL, but should weigh views and act on where he/she thinks the majority is. This is not being a coward, as some might suggest, but courageous! I hope UNITY 08 will eventually support an all inclusive philosophy as a criteria for our National leadership.

I hope your not assuming anything in your "Fidel" comment. I do not resemble any bearded dictators, physically or ideologically-I rather hate the man and how he has oppressed Cuba. I am quite the opposite, I love capitalism.

Understand that policies presented as "solutions" to social and economic issues often have unintended results no better -but often worse- than the problem they are intended to solve.

Anyways, what this site needs is a forum/message board where there can seperate and tackle individual issues rather than have 6 pages of people all talking at once.

Just a thought.

I wonder what the comparison is between the amount of greenhouse gasses emitted globally by volcanoes (and other nonhuman caused sources) and the emissions of various countries. I wouldn't be surprised if the earth is emitting a large enough volume that any human intervention would have a relatively small effect. This may be a shocking idea but what is the comparison?

Yours is a revolution by committee whereas Ross Perot's 1992 presidential campaign was sparked by one man who ignited a potent sense of drift. That sense of drift has returned with a vengeance and I see some plusses to the committee approach.

Perot's star fell as fast as it had risen when his eccentricities came to light. You've got two years to vet the unity idea and find an eccentricity free candidate (if such a person exists). The Internet gives you the perfect vehicle to get past the entrenched two-party machinery without having to depend on a millionaire to finance the campaign.

As an independent Congressional candidate in 1992 I had hoped that the Perot phenomenon would help me. I found, however, that the people who flocked to the Reform Party were a mixed bag of wingnuts, and centrists. My attempt to hitch a ride on Perot's coattails was met with paranoia by Perot's self selected champions. They were putting all their eggs in the Presidential basket. It didn't occur to them that their man could use a friendly Congress.

Since you've set the parameters for your movement I don't think wingnuts will take over Unity08 like they did when Pat Buchanan got the Reform Party's presidential nomination. Still, just as in 1992, your President will need a sympathetic Congress.

2006 is shaping up to be the perfect election to clean up Congress. It would be shame for your 08 President to have to deal with the same issue driven politicos that now rule the Nation's capitol.


Rich, your close. Not the mention undersea volcanoes, and the effect of sun cycles (mars is heating up too).. and global dimming.. the lack of reflection of sunlight from the atmosphere as we reduce air polution. Global warming started when the clean air act was enacted. and to think .. the artic was a tropical environment several 100K years ago.

Both political parties have been hijacked by foreign corporate interests whom are financed by the enemy. Yes, the two headed beast, Republican and Democrat has been infultrated by the enemy through off shore corporate campaign contributions to steal our economy, jobs and the American Dream... for more visit www.appyp.com/fix_main.html

Party platforms and party loyalty above constituent loyalty seem to have been very reliable, rigid, and maladaptive over time. An agenda, on the other hand, has the potential be very adaptive to the needs of the people. I like the idea of Unity08. I also like the idea of a massive voter statement by not voting for ANY incumbents.

I have no intention of voting for any candidate who is either Republican or Democrat. If Unity08 combines the two, they won’t get my vote either. We’re governed by a political sub-culture whose primary objective is to promote itself while appearing to serve the people. They’ve been successful at this, and every four years, the people dumbly gather at the polls and fully support a system that is clearly unraveling. We currently have one political party made up of two factions that, in reality, are not materially different.

The goal of a third party should be to re-create a viable two-party system where voters are given clear choices between the two. The RepDem party will face off against each other with the usual misrepresentations and downright lies that have become more prevalent in recent years. To be successful, Unity08 will have to counter their babbling with clear positions on the problems and opportunities that face us. These positions will have to be neither conservative nor liberal but a combination of the best of both. Without a strong and viable two-party system, the American Experiment will fail.

Unity08 has no platform? They’d better get off their duffs and start nailing planks. And they should stop calling themselves a “third” party. They’re the Second party if they’re really serious about all of this.

Unity08 needs a platform as Mamoo stated, otherwise its like inviting the pope to a planned parenthood meeting.. it ain't going to work.

Good points Steve. Maybe those ancient asteroids that caused so much devastation years ago were mostly ice, not rock. The ensuing global climate change produced polar ice caps. What if the earth is slowing moving back towards equilibrium, but a new equilibrium that includes the effects of the huge addition of water from the asteroids? I may be showing my ignorance now.

I just found out about this organization. I am a disaffected repbulican. I see two groups in Washington. 1. the cowards - Republicans who are in the majority but have no idea how to lead without the backbone to govern. 2. the obstructionist - Democrats whose only agenda is against. Against anything GWB wants to do. Against anything that will advance this country. Against anything that would increase faith in the spirtual foundation of this country. Against anything that is moral and in alighment with the Judeo Christian principles this country was based on. I hope this group will provide the answers because I believe it is about time the people took this country back. We need to help the government understand that 1. It's our money not theres. 2. they serve us not the othe way around. 3. they are not an elite class of intellectuals they are appointed servants 4. they serv at our pleasure and we are not pleased.

Today's column by Peggy Noonan mentions Unity08, and nails the real problem with the two major parties:

"The problem is not that the two parties are polarized. In many ways they're closer than ever. The problem is that the parties in Washington, and the people on the ground in America, are polarized. There is an increasing and profound distance between the rulers of both parties and the people--between the elites and the grunts, between those in power and those who put them there."

She even spotlights immigration as one of the crucial issues where the D's and R's aren't polarized, but rather in lockstep:

"Right now the Republicans and Democrats in Washington seem, from the outside, to be an elite colluding against the voter. They're in agreement: immigration should not be controlled but increased, spending will increase, etc."

The American people clearly want a very tall wall built along the Mexican border to protect our jobs and stop the drug trade and have made it clear that immigration is a seperate issue. The two headed beast, republican and democrat, refuse to seperate the issues! They want the borders to remain penatrable and cheap labor to continue because both parties have received billions in campaign contributions from corporations in Mexico? THATS RIGHT? The two party system combines immigration legislation with border protection to create legislative gridlock so that no real reform is made. The two headed beast uses gridlock to satisfy it's foreign financial sponsors who have both political parties in their back pocket. Accepting campaign contributions from foreign corporations is political treason in my view. For more visit www.appyp.com/fix_main.html

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