Unity08 Blog: Open for debate

posted by Publius on May 31, 2024 - 11:02am

The response has been big and astounding. Keep it coming. We have just begun to fight to change American politics.

One concern raised by some needs to be addressed head on: Some experienced bloggers expect/want Unity08 to arrive with a specific platform position on every issue.

We repeat what we said in our statement of purpose: We will have an agenda, not a platform. Our agenda is the list of issues that the public feels are crucial that Washington is not addressing – energy independence, quality education, affordable health care, rising national debt and many more.

But we don’t come to this with a platform. We invite you to debate and offer solutions – and ultimately we invite candidates to run for President on the Unity08 banner with their own platform on the crucial issues.

We would stifle the debate if the web site has pre-determined answers. And most American voters know that the crucial issues are very complex, don’t have simple answers, and progress will require debate, discussion and maybe even consensus or compromise.

What’s sad and interesting is that in Washington none of those things are happening on any of the crucial issues. No debate, no discussion, no consensus and no compromise. Washington is polarized and paralyzed.

So to all who expect Unity08 to have all the answers and to be certain of everything, we may disappoint you. To those who relish debate, serious discussion, and finding candidates for leadership ready to discuss crucial issues seriously, we hope to excite you.

Spending a lot of time in Washington is dangerous for your mental health, apparently. But spending a lot of time watching Washington causes you to be very wary of two types: Those who need to read the polls before they know what they think – and those who seem certain of every answer even before the questions are asked.

At Unity08 our forum and our minds are open. Blog on!

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Authoritarian, hierarchal, competitive, materialistic schools perpetuate the authoritarian, hierarchal, competitive, materialistic society.

Brain researc tells us that you cannot oump the same material into unique multiple minds at the same time in the same way.

Humanity demands and technolgies make possible non-school modes of personal learning.

It is happening as growing numbers of school-leavers join learning co-ops, alternative schools, charter schools, homeschools, and other non-school modalities for learning.

This should be tops on the Unity08 platform.

Pay Laid-off Workers Two Months Severance for Every Year of Service

Every time a corporation lays off workers the value of its stock rises and its executive officers reap rich rewards. Meanwhile laid-off workers and their communities pay the price. On average, workers lose over $100,000 of their lifetime earnings when they are laid off. In addition, numerous studies show that unemployed workers and their families experience increased rates of disease and social problems like suicide and domestic violence. Communities also suffer from the declining incomes and increasing social problems caused by layoffs. This burden on our communities averages about $25,000 per laid-off worker. Nothing will change until Corporate America is forced to pay for some of the damage it causes. We therefore propose a Job Destruction Penalty Act modeled after the one proposed by the New Jersey Industrial Union Council, AFL-CIO (which covers all workers except those in hiring hall types of employment). Under the Act corporations with 100 or more employees globally will be required to pay each eligible laid-off worker two months severance pay for every year of service. And they will be required to pay $25,000 per eligible laid-off worker to the local community to offset rising social costs. This Job Destruction Penalty Act will make Corporate America think twice about layoffs.

The selected Critical Issues do not include A)The continuing concentration of national wealth in the hands of a tiny minority, nor B)The ever-growing concentration and power of Corporations which influence our daily lives and our National Policies.
Are these not Critical Issues?

Perhaps a well maintained wiki would be the best medium to create a collaborative platform on the critical issues.

I will support a president who agrees with the following. Call it an agenda. I call it points I refuse to compromise on.

MEDICAL RESEARCH toward the cures of deadly disease and the distribution of proven medication should be attainable to all economic classes. This is expensive, but reachable if money is redirected from pet projects that just make life more appealing for those already living a comfortable life (i.e. museums, beautification projects without environmental advantages, political celebrations, etc). I don't oppose projects that make life more enjoyable, but I see a NATIONAL BUDGET as a checkbook. Take care of crucial needs and if there is money left, only then can we plan buying the bass boat.
The money funded toward medical research needs attention as well. We must know the real cost of such projects so the organizations do not just become high profit businesses with the power to guilt the country into further spending.

FUEL INDEPENDENCE should be a multi-fingered plan. We always here how the infrastructure is too complicated. We are currently reforming the government of two countries in the span of 3 years and people claim we are taking too long. Do we expect these same people to believe setting up filling stations for many different energy sources at once is more complex? Modern engines require small changes to run on most of the alternative fuels. A little money goes a long way. I'd settle for scattered patches of exclusive uses of the different fuels to prove the point and cut down on oil use. But I'd hope hydrogen would be a major competitor. What is more abundant, clean, or cheap as water? Is the problem that running on water eliminates the ability to collect road tax? If hydrogen became the prominent used fuel, road tax could be collected by toll or annual percentage of gross income tax.

URBAN SPRAWL may not be considered paramount and I could compromise here, but this is what I see. Encouraging businesses of all kinds and size to share space when possible solves many problems. Think of the land saved by super malls and sky scrapers (I am not talking about creating terrorist targets. I am speaking of offices, shops, and even light-weight factories sharing up to 10 story buildings that firemen can reach with ladders). Less travel is needed, reducing fuel consumption, hospitals are able to be placed where needed without hundreds of small businesses that could share space between them. Hospitals could have retirement homes and research labs within elevator distance.

IMMIGRATION plans currently being discussed encourage me. One step I'd like to see would be a Red Cross on steroids approach. Aiding the troubled countries where possible and welcome could solve many FOREIGN POLICY issues. Most wars, in my mind, begin and drag on due to the gap between the have and have not. The poor are encouraged by their leaders to channel their dissapointment and anger about their situation into hatred of the rich countries rather than insisting their own government share the wealth. Once more people are content, they have more to lose should they go to war. Yeah yeah, it sounds like do-goodism. I personally think we could use some.

SAME SEX MARRIAGE is, in my mind, was a non issue for the government until they got involved in the first place. Now, I believe it is critical that they get involved just long enough to say it is now and never shall be any of their business. Gay marriage does not turn straight people gay, does not spoil the name of marriage like man-woman marriage for money or citizenship, or any of the many reasons we straights get married. If two people are in love, the bond is just as sacred, no matter the gender mix. This should have never become a debate in the first place, but now that their rights to a happy life has been challenged out of "moral" stands, it has to be addressed.

IRAN should be subject to regular global inspection of their power program to make sure it is not being used for weapons building. But they should be allowed to create cheap energy that, with any luck, will replace their income when oil use is a lesser fuel in the world. Cheap energy, unlike their oil income will see results in the lives of their poor and middle class. Like I stated before, I think comfortable people are less likely to risk their state for war. How much money do we think suicide bombers made before they made that choice?
I make no excuses for people who do horrible things to innocent people, but bad guys need a following to carry out their plans. Elliminate the desire and you have to deal with the results less often.

IRAQ AND AFGANISTAN are places that many people in this country didn't want to be involved with, but we are there and we must finish. Our troops are moving in the right direction in helping the new governments gain their footing. I don't think an early pullout would be right. Not only would it be unfair to those we came to help, but we would be in conflict with those same countries in a matter of years if we let them fall apart.

WHAT IS WORTH DEBATE TIME AND FUNDING BY OUR GOVERNMENT? Study the need and cost. Can the issue be settled by state or local governments or be taken on by independent organizations? Is the cause already recieving more funding than they are using or sending too large a proportion to management salaries? Is it a real issue at all, just political blindsiding, or just a means to collect money using guilt to inhibit funding caps?

DO WE NEED PICTURES OF MARS that bad? Childhood dreams and curiosity being realized are great and build patriatism, but are luxuries that should be placed far below national security, economy, healthcare, environment, and.... basically every other issue. I'm not saying we should put these people out of work that have worked and studied all their lives to get where they are. I'm saying the knowledge, tools, and manpower needs redirected to real needs of the people flipping the bill.

DEATH PENALTY. I believe in it if there is no doubt of guilt. Does it dter criminals? Many, yes, some, no. It definately eliminates repeat offenses 100%. Justice needs to be swift. If a criminal spends a couple of years in prison and tells his/her story there, groups see them as new people and victims. The prisoner lives a terrible life in prison on our tab, then is released to repeat the crime or live a terrible life outside with judging eyes and no money, even if they are let go. Not only do I believe murderers should face the death penalty, but also attempted murderers (do we give people a break just because they fail at murder?) and rapists. Rapists do far worse damage than a murderer and we protect them by separating them from other convicts at our cost. Rapists cause many to wish to end their own life and the victim lives with the pain their whole life.

ABORTION and ASSISTED SUICIDE. Why link them? They are both mercy kills in many situations. I do not belive in abortion after the brain is developed. At that point, I think the mother should have to give birth and choose adoption or taking care of their baby as best they can. Before the developement of the brain, I think killing the fetus before he/she is born into a miserable life of feeling unwanted or poverty is victimless and no more murder than throwing away a condom or using spermicide.
I believe in allowing assisted suicide after long counsiling. If the person still feels they prefer death to living as they are, it is torture to deny them peace.

EDUCATION should be high on priorities and should be funded as much as required to take any child or adult toward the career they wish to hold. Advanced classes should be an option in all fields at reasonable costs. Administration salaries should not eclipse the money spent on the tools and teachers that actually do the work. More money does not automatically produce results. The money needs to be managed responsibly and the budget should be flexible year to year so schools do not feel obligated to waste money at the end of their year so as to have money the next. When a school proves a case of needing money, it should have it. When the need is not as great, people should see a decrease in the expense of their education.

There are many other issues, but I'll stop at these for now.

I recently informed students in my American Government internet class of Unity08. Their response has been very encouraging - they find the idea long overdue and are passing the site on to their friends.

Great work, Alex.
Getting the youth involved is important - for them, and for all of us!

Now I understand why our issues link "energy dependence" is being overrun by people talking about education.
Please read the links you are on to be sure your posting in the right places people! :)

Agenda for Change – Some more ideas for possible solutions based on concerns about:

Illegal Immigration, Climate Stabilization, Energy Independence, and Equality under the Law

Agenda 0
Congress shall fund and the president shall distribute by measured facts of performance each year a prize of 1 billion dollars for any technology demonstrating the ability to transport four people safely at speeds of 75 mph or more at the expenditure of 36 kw (1 gallon of gas, diesel, bio-diesel or ETH) in one hour.

Each year the preceding years demonstrated technology control shall be increased in range or effect by 2%. This amount shall be set aside if the 2% goal is not reached and accumulate until such an improvement is demonstrated where upon all set aside monies shall be paid out to the winner.

Agenda 1
Congress shall fund and the president shall distribute by measured facts of performance each year a prize of 1 billion dollars for any technology demonstrating the ability to substantially affect local (100 mile radius) or larger climates.

Each year the preceding years demonstrated technology control shall be increased in range or effect by 2%. This amount shall be set aside if the 2% goal is not reached and accumulate until such an improvement is demonstrated where upon all set aside monies shall be paid out to the winner.

Agenda 2
Amendment to the US Constitution

Congress shall make no law under which they or any, member of the federal executive or judiciary shall have any rights or freedom from prosecution under any law binding on the citizens in general. Any existing laws of the latter nature shall be immediately declared null and void, except those expressly delineated in the constitution in the main or under any amendment thereof.

Agenda 3
Build a lossless power distribution (superconducting power line) from a North Canadian (or Alaskan location) to Panama.

Agenda 4
Build a lossless power distribution (superconducting power line) from Colorado to New York New York.

Agenda 5
Build a Levitated Electric Train system over the power distribution lines (using the magnetic field of the power lines to levitate) that reaches speeds of over 5000 mph running back and forth between Alaska and Panama, colorado and N.Y.C.

Agenda 6
Make the transport and power distribution infrastructure of Agenda 3 above a for profit company with 45% ownership (balance publicly traded) shared based on contributions to construction by the countries in the alliance and with all profits from these enterprises in each country dedicated to a universal health care fund.

Agenda 7
A. Create a North American free trade zone and travel zone from Panama to the artic ocean.

1. Standard ID for all people in the region.
2. No birthright citizenship- regardless of place of birth, child receives citizenship of mother only.
3. Joint Naval force (Coast Guard) to suppress smuggling, illegal fishing, and illegal immigration.
4. Joint border patrol force at the Panama Canal Zone.

Here is my 06 annual savings analysis based on googled budgets from INS and Border Patrol.

Agenda 7 results in substantial cost savings (defending a border as long as the Panama Canal instead of the Canadian and Mexican borders combined). It would be reasonable to assume that the cost now is a function of the border length so 51 miles/10,000 miles (you have to include the Alaskan border with Canada) or .5% of the present costs of 1.4 BILLION or a savings of $1.393 Billion dollars.

Also the same idea (given that Mexican and Canadian illegals are eliminated entirely) cuts the INS budget by more then half (6.3 Billion to 3 Billion).

Total Savings almost 5 Billion Dollars!!

Agenda 8
In recognition of the continuing heritage of Spanish speakers in most of the United States, and the Americas (continents north and south) we shall pass a law requiring all new U.S. High School Graduates and legal Immigrants to be competent in English and Spanish.
1. All official business of the federal government shall be in English only.
2. All ballots and supporting documents shall be available on the internet written and oral in every language currently in use in the United States.
3. All federally generated identification (SSI#, passports, law enforcement documents etc.) shall be printed in English and Spanish.
4. No immigrant shall be naturalized who is not competent in English and Spanish.

Where did the idea come from 2 parties ... one country ... money ... corporate greed ... politcal enfluence. It has been so long since I actually voted for a candidate, I don't think I would know how. We get a choice, so we can vote against a candidate. The reality of the 2 party system. Isn't that nice. I don't even think in terms of what I am for anymore. The candidates always play to the audience at hand, or the corporate money, instead of pandering to an ordinary voter. I never look forward to an election, it is tiring and one must work hard to discover a single truth about future policy. I now volunteer at the polls, I don't wish to vote anymore. Could unity 08 be my way back?
Let's see,
Abortion ..... I'm way past that one.
Iraq .... was Bin Laden really there?
Gay marriage .... I'm a divorce poster child, they are probably better candidates.
Education ... Yup, I got one, couldn't afford it now though.
Assisted Suicide ... Might need that right soon.
Death Penalty ... Never did anything bad enough to merit that one.
Health care ... Ins. rates are getting higher, I'll be uninsured soon. Or maybe just not eat.
Global Market ... Can I still purchase anything all made in America?
Jobs .... I just want the corp exec EXIT package please / no minimum wage stuff.
Global warming ... If I get past hot flashes I'll clean up my act, no more air conditioning.
English ... I speak and read that one and Spanish too.
National Debt ... I actually pay my bills and on time, how do they keep going?
Medical research .... I don't need research I need affordable health care.
My # 1 issue .... Is there a candidate anywhere who isn't from a rich and/or powerful family? Real folks, dealing with real issues. I would consider voting for anyone who has actually had an ordinary job and had to actually pay some bills will real money .... not favors. George, HOLY, Bush, our current ..... absolute power and money, never actually worked a day ... still (national debt) not responsible for bills. Let's see then there was the other candidate ... what ? family opposing him? Something to do with "catsup" money, I think. Now tell me what these guys have in common with me? Why would I vote for one of them?? I hope unity08 will help us back to choices or America loses.

The Blog Master -- Whoever that is --should make a list of isues and every blog should address one issue.To expand the list of issues, send an email to the Blog Master. The Blog Master should bave an email address and this address should noted at the top of each unity08 web page.

Each blog should be posted under the appropriate "issue".

The mish-mash of blogs coming in random order is too confusing.

Let's get focused.


I have a real job. I've had many jobs with a good work record and started from minimum wage to 20.00/hour now in a warehouse. The problem with people in middle class running is we are seen as out of touch with what the middle class needs because we weren't taught politics (how to get votes) and are left with common sense, honesty, and goodwill, which we all know are just signs of a poor education. It's all about vocabulary words of the day, and replacing "We will do all we can" with There is no silver bullet." Translation? "I may not see the final rewards of the effort, so why start anything."
Our only option is to pick someone with name recognition that won't hurt us more than the other option. With any luck, we can find out who that is here.

The other reasons I don't run is my political view paints me as a raving lunatic as I'm sure will be pointed out soon. Oh yeah, and I don't want to need a secret service agent ensuring that I don't get shot while in the shower.

The right to organize unions, bargain freely and strike when necessary is being destroyed by employers and their representatives in government. Today, nearly 1 out of 10 workers involved in union organizing drives is illegally fired by employers who wage a campaign of fear, threats and slick propaganda to keep workers from exercising a genuinely free choice. That is why union membership is declining. And as union membership falls so do the wages of all working people, union and non-union alike. (The buying power of the average worker's wage has declined by 15 percent over the last 25 years.) Unity08 will support the courageous efforts of our brothers and sisters out in the streets and in the fields all over this nation to overcome these legal handicaps, especially in the South and Southwest where the laws are most hostile. We also must dedicate ourselves to fighting for a complete overhaul of this country's labor laws. All scabbing must be banned and no workers should be fired without just cause. We must win repeal of the anti-worker Taft-Hartley Amendments, which sharply tilted the labor law in favor of employers. We want card-check recognition of union bargaining status, as in Canada. New union members must have the right to submit a first contract to binding arbitration at the request of the union. All employees of federal, state and local governments must have full collective bargaining rights; they must enjoy full participation in the political process (i.e. partial repeal of the Hatch Act); and the FLRA and all applicable state laws must be amended accordingly. Agricultural and other excluded workers must be covered by federal labor laws, except where existing state laws offer more protection. We oppose all attempts to legalize company unions and to repeal or weaken the Davis-Bacon Act or Section 13c of the Federal Urban Mass Transit Act of 1964. Railway unions must be able to exercise their rights to bargain and to strike without government interference. The right of other unions must be similarly protected. We demand a law requiring employers who purchase or merge with other companies to honor all existing collective bargaining agreements and contracts. While we support rehabilitation and the learning of skills, we oppose all use of prison labor for the production of goods and services.

We gave Unions the right to bargin and strike and GREED took over in the last 20 years. They drove our best corporations overseas and drove Ford, GM, Delphi.. out of business. The boston police struck the week of the democratic convention .. and it was resolved by giving the $40 million dollars from the homeland security funds for over time spent doing useless details. What a scam. The transit workers (sic) decided to strike the peak shopping and business day in NYC and stranded the whole NYC area. Teaches think its pretty cute to strike on the first day of school .. to get their will .. Regan knew how to handle greedy fedreal union workers.. he fired the air controllers asses.

Its not Americans fault. This grand new world order (free market) is turning the working class into slaves around the globe... Free trade requires unionized labor or the world is doomed... buy locally and save America! http://www.appyp.com/fix_main.html

Let see. I have a choice. Do I buy american or do I buy imported products. If I buy a union made product, it costs me about double to support workers paid about 3 times their worth, unlimited health care, pensions, grevience settlements, a millionaire and corrupt union leadership, and political campaign contributions that work against our interests. Or I can buy an imported good at a reasonable price, supports a worker that needs the income, and is made of better quality. I think i will buy the imported good, if for no other reason then that I'm sick of corrupt union bosses and the obnoxious campaign contributions to empower more corrupt politicians.

Each year I become more upset that our elected representatives will not tackle any issue that may be viewed unfavorably by constituents. Congress will not take up Social Security, health insurance, medicare or any issue that involves thinking beyond the next election because their decisions will not please everyone and it may affect the next election.

Recently, the senate passed a "Comprehensive" Immigration Bill in a week. Is there any chance that the bill is comprehensive and that it actuall addresses the problem?

Don Jacobs is RIGHT! I second his suggestion to the Blogmeister

The Blog Master -- Whoever that is --should make a list of isues and every blog should address one issue.To expand the list of issues, send an email to the Blog Master. The Blog Master should bave an email address and this address should noted at the top of each unity08 web page.

Each blog should be posted under the appropriate "issue".

Vic said:
"The Blog Master ... should make a list of isues and every blog should address one issue"

Um. I really hate to break it to you, but that's how things are arranged now. Not that anybody is paying much attention to it.

There is, at the moment, ONE issue blog up over on "Unity08 Blog: The First Issue of Many" which has to do with dependence on foreign oil.

There is also a debate on the merit of the Electoral College over under polls.

I've emailed them with the suggestion that they open up the Forum module for Drupal, but so far .. who knows if anybody is even home. Nothing has been posted from the management here since the 3rd.

Capt Obvious, signing off.

There has been and is great voter turn-out!

The problem is that "no one" is doing the count right.

Read between the lines please---

"None of the above."

That's the real voter count!

One-person -- one vote!

One-person -- one congressional district.

One-person funding -- limited to those persons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gee Cap'n Obvious you certainly caught old Publius fooling me!

"Open for Debate" is an Issue??

And here I thought it was an invitation.

You won't mind if I still agree with Don Jacobs and join with him in asking "Publius"? or whomever to give us an issue base or linked commentary structure. Linked meaning of course that discussion branches off a particular comment or statement in the main Blog because people chose to respond to that statement.

try this idea for campaign finance reform. limit the candidate to funds contributed by registered voters in her/his district. allow the national party and anybody else to collect funds, as they can, to be equally divided among all qualified candidates of their party affiliation nation wide.

i have congressional reps. taking money from people/companies on the other side of the country to promote their causes which may or may not evevn affect my state or the person/company's own state. this, and some serious tax reform might help

Please, folks. Let us not turn this opportunity Unity08 has offered us into another Tower of Babel.
Let's focus on the intent to Agree on the "Critical Issues". What are the PRIORITIES for the Nation?
Only by thoughtfully and clearly defining and agreeing on those Priorities can we come together and hope to influence or change the power bases which now rule.

For generations, bosses have profited by dividing working people on the basis of race, religion, gender, national origin, and political beliefs. Rather than creating enough jobs, they force us to fight among ourselves for the few good ones that remain. Rather than creating enough opportunities for higher education, they force us and our children to quarrel over the available spots. We can curb corporate power only if we unite around a commission of economic justice and fairness. Real democracy includes all of us. We work in all kinds of occupations, and come from all racial and ethnic backgrounds. We are women as well as men. Every time an employer pays a woman less for the same or comparable work, we are all paid less. Every time a minority worker is denied a decent job or promotion, we are all denied promotion. When immigrants are scapegoated and denied full labor rights and civil rights, we are all scapegoated and denied our rights. We favor full rights for all, and we will tolerate no discrimination or other form of injustice based on race, religion, gender, ethnicity, disability, national origin, age, creed, sexual orientation, language, or political beliefs. We favor amending Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to protect all these categories from discrimination. We oppose all forms of terrorism and hate crimes, including attacks against African American churches, synagogues, or other places of worship. We also oppose police brutality and other forms of the criminalization of dissent and poverty. We support affirmative action and anti-discrimination programs to take away the bosses' power to divide and conquer. We support an immigration policy that does not discriminate on any basis; and a trade policy that supports international fair labor standards and works to alleviate the conditions that send people moving around the globe in search of opportunity. We also support comparable worth initiatives and strong sanctions against sexual harassment to make the workplace safe and fair for women workers. Unity08 stands against current efforts to dismantle these programs. From the shop floor to the executive suite, we believe the workforce should reflect the wonderfully diverse face of our nation. We stand for justice and the end to discrimination.

Agendas for Change – More ideas for possible solutions based on concerns about:

Illegal Immigration, Climate Stabilization, Energy Independence, and Equality under the Law

Agenda 0
Congress shall fund and the president shall distribute by measured facts of performance each year a prize of 1 billion dollars for any technology demonstrating the ability to transport four people safely at speeds of 75 mph or more at the expenditure of 36 kw (1 gallon of gas, diesel, bio-diesel or ETH) in one hour.

Each year the preceding years demonstrated technology control shall be increased in range or effect by 2%. This amount shall be set aside if the 2% goal is not reached and accumulate until such an improvement is demonstrated where upon all set aside monies shall be paid out to the winner.

Agenda 1
Congress shall fund and the president shall distribute by measured facts of performance each year a prize of 1 billion dollars for any technology demonstrating the ability to substantially affect local (100 mile radius) or larger climates.

Each year the preceding years demonstrated technology control shall be increased in range or effect by 2%. This amount shall be set aside if the 2% goal is not reached and accumulate until such an improvement is demonstrated where upon all set aside monies shall be paid out to the winner.

Agenda 2
Amendment to the US Constitution

Congress shall make no law under which they or any, member of the federal executive or judiciary shall have any rights or freedom from prosecution under any law binding on the citizens in general. Any existing laws of the latter nature shall be immediately declared null and void, except those expressly delineated in the constitution in the main or under any amendment thereof.

Agenda 3
Build a lossless power distribution (superconducting power line) from Alaska to Panama.

Agenda 4
Build a lossless power distribution (superconducting power line) from Colorado to New York,New York.

Agenda 5
Build a Levitated Electric Train system over the power distribution lines (using the magnetic field of the power lines to levitate) that reaches speeds of over 5000 mph running back and forth between Alaska and Panama, Colorado and N.Y.C.

Agenda 6
Make the transport and power distribution infrastructure of Agenda 3 above a for profit company with 45% ownership (balance publicly traded) shared based on contributions to construction by the countries in the alliance and with all profits from these enterprises in each country dedicated to a universal health care fund.

Agenda 7
A. Create a North American free trade zone and travel zone from Panama to the artic ocean.

1. Standard ID for all people in the region.
2. No birthright citizenship- regardless of place of birth, child receives citizenship of mother only.
3. Joint Naval force (Coast Guard) to suppress smuggling, illegal fishing, and illegal immigration.
4. Joint border patrol force at the Panama Canal Zone.

Here is my 06 annual savings analysis based on googled budgets from INS and Border Patrol.

Agenda 7 results in substantial cost savings (defending a border as long as the Panama Canal instead of the Canadian and Mexican borders combined). It would be reasonable to assume that the cost now is a function of the border length so 51 miles/10,000 miles (you have to include the Alaskan border with Canada) or .5% of the present costs of 1.4 BILLION or a savings of $1.393 Billion dollars (in the US alone).

Also the same idea (given that Mexican and Canadian illegals are eliminated entirely) cuts the INS budget by more then half (6.3 Billion to 3 Billion).

Total U.S. Savings almost 5 Billion Dollars!!

Agenda 8
In recognition of the continuing heritage of Spanish speakers in most of the United States, and the Americas (continents north and south) we shall pass a law requiring all new U.S. High School Graduates and legal Immigrants to be competent in English and Spanish.
1. All official business of the federal government shall be in English only.
2. All ballots and supporting documents shall be available on the internet written and oral in every language currently in use in the United States.
3. All federally generated identification (SSI#, passports, law enforcement documents etc.) shall be printed in English and Spanish.
4. No immigrant shall be naturalized who is not competent in English and Spanish.

Why Spanish? Why not French and Inuit, as spoken north of our border?

For that matter, being forward-looking, why not Standard Chinese? A billon+ people are racing into and re-shaping the 21st century. (In this context Spanish is a bit backward looking.)

All these languages including mandarin (standard chinese), and many more in fact all languages known to be used by any citizen in the U.S. are included in the proposal as important for federal documents and are to be available at fed expense online.

Having said that only English and Spanish are the languages and heritages of significantly large North American populations today. These two languages meet the minimum US needs for comity and cohesion in its society.

Certainly a knowledge and respect for Athabascan, Tklinget, Inuit, Flathead, Nahuatl, Kickapoo, Cherokee, Navajo, Seminole and a few hundred more distinct native languages in North and South America
not to mention all the other languages of the world at large is a worthy endeavor.

I have failed to participate is our democracy in the past few election, I did not believe in what the candidates stood for, and could not believe it was anything but to line their pockets and complete their own agendas. I believe in what Unity 08 stands for, and have been working with an independent candidate for the 2024 elections who represents all of what Unity 08 stands for. I am glad to see that people unite against the bigger evil and not one party or the other. There are for more crucial issues that need addressing than what the government today likes to portray. These issues should be the ones addressed, the ones that will give America back to the people, and make this great land, a better place for every American, not just the ones in political power..

Our problem as a species is that we have no mature adults willing to govern. Adolescents are playing out their fantasies the world over, killing millions in the process. If I ran my family the way countries are run, they would be dead. How does this relate to energy? The words "responsibility" and "consequences" leap to mind. Oh yeah, how about "priorities"?

I just spent 2 hrs reading all this input and trying to find Jennifers site so I can go there and find how where we stand. When are we going to come up with a platform? Everything is just jumbled together. I can't keep it straight. I need to find out how to work this site. Not just read statements by people. Where are we going with this and shouldn't we start getting there?

One of the worst things that tends to happen when a party gets a strong grip on power is that solutions to every issue come from only one perspective, and don't need to be worked out through a process of compromise and consensus. That's what's wrong with DC right now - the congress is wholly owned and operated by the same people operating the executive branch, so nobody with ideas that are not congruent with theirs are heard. We can't have long term success without skeptics that get to make their good points about every issue. Is global warming serious enough to act on? Don't bet the ranch that is is or it isn't without enough debate to clarify whether any objections are valid, or whether the truth is that it's every bit as serious as Al Gore says. Is doing something about it going to hurt the economy? Let's hear with respect all the points of view and judge them on their merits rather than their stridency.

Here's to reality-based politics. Liberals to urge compassion; conservatives to counsel caution and restraint; libertarians to defend our liberties. Only together will we be able to do the right things and only the right things.

Are there anyone visiting this site that can propose a plan or even a part of a plan to solve any issue?

Everyone knows what they like and once a plan is proposed we can all research the ideas and make an informed vote or suggestion of a change for debate. But we need a frame before we can start painting.

Energy: Engineer, someone in the industry, researcher or scientist in energy related projects,etc

Healthcare: Hospital administrator, lawyer, accountant, politician with a plan

Immigration: Border patrol, Immigration Dept, Legal immigrant that knows the subject well, Border state government official

And so on
Post it on the board or even better, email it to the webmasters to be placed in the title part of the page so the plan isn't eventually lost 15 pages under a mix bag of opinions

The most important thing Unity 08 can do is to promote voting via Internet. I have been told that it can be done with secure lines and I think it must be done. There are too many voters who would be happy to vote if they had a 24 hour window on the Internet. This does not mean eliminating the paper ballot; it means augmenting it.

I hear it said often that this country is "developed" already. What? Does that mean we're done? Is this it? Is what we already have the best we can do? Certainly our current political leadership swoons at the ever-increasing complacency that results from believing this is a "developed" country. A master of progress, Thomas Edison said, "Show me a thoroughly satisfied man, and I will show you a failure." It's time for us to drop the suffix and develop.

Energy Independence, #1 on the Agenda

There's no question that developing our own resources is crucial to achieving energy independence. To that end, we need to:

- Open areas like ANWR, offshore, and public land for drilling oil, gas and coal.

- Accelerate the building of nuclear and coal gasification plants.

- Mandate construction of windmill farms and other non-conventional sources of energy where practical.

It's a start... What else needs to happen?

"Where did the idea come from 2 parties ... one country ... money ... corporate greed ... politcal enfluence."

2 parties is just a natural consequence of our form of government, wherein "most votes" wins an election, plus we have an Executive branch as opposed to parliamentary governments where coalitions are formed. We don't have coalition rule.

You can start a 3rd party but it won't take long before we're back down to 2.

Think weakest link. The Republican Party started as a 3rd party. Once Lincoln was elected the party that was most weakened by defections fell by the wayside (I think it was the Whig Party).

A question worth asking here is, will the Democrats or the Republicans be most weakened by a successful 3rd party? Who is the weakest link. Who will be the Survivor?

Agendas for Change – More ideas for possible solutions based on concerns about:

Infrastructure for the 21st Century, Illegal Immigration, Climate Stabilization, Energy Independence, and Equality under the Law

Agenda 000 Infrastructure for the 21st Century, Creation of a Major Marketplace for North American Goods and Services and Reform of the Military Industrial Complex!


In order to compete in a global economy the US needs as much military as is consistent with its Market Size and reach. Today the US is an order of magnitude larger in its military budget and force projection capability then any other nation. It is truly the only Superpower left on Earth and this is its MAJOR WEAKNESS. The cost in social and physical infrastructure exceeds the benefits and the ability of an aging US population to support the economy. Cut and reshape the US military and bring it down to be just the greatest power on Earth rather then a Superpower. Expand the Market and the overall defense budget by growing the economy through a North American Union with a pooled defense budget. Is there anyone who doubts that the US already is prepared to be responsible for the military defense of Mexico, or Canada? So why are we not combining our interests to support defense?


A growing need to build a major market of at least a billion consumers in order to have a chance at competing in the global market of the mid to late 21st century. An expansion of trade and travel to create one North American Market then in the next century build infrastructure and join up South America to create one Americas Market.


A need for infrastructure to create the opportunities for trade and travel that propels the Americas Markets to lead the world in productivity and disposable income.
In order to have a viable place in the new world the US has to build a truly revolutionary infrastructure. Such infrastructure (see 3,4,5 below) can also put the Americas Market into energy self sufficiency and and a trade efficiency that makes the Americas the most productive society and market block on earth.

Agenda 0
Congress shall fund and the president shall distribute by measured facts of performance each year a prize of 1 billion dollars for any technology demonstrating the ability to transport four people safely at speeds of 75 mph or more at the expenditure of 36 kw (1 gallon of gas, diesel, bio-diesel or ETH) in one hour.

Each year the preceding years demonstrated technology control shall be increased in range or effect by 2%. This amount shall be set aside if the 2% goal is not reached and accumulate until such an improvement is demonstrated where upon all set aside monies shall be paid out to the winner.

Agenda 1
Congress shall fund and the president shall distribute by measured facts of performance each year a prize of 1 billion dollars for any technology demonstrating the ability to substantially affect local (100 mile radius) or larger climates.

Each year the preceding years demonstrated technology control shall be increased in range or effect by 2%. This amount shall be set aside if the 2% goal is not reached and accumulate until such an improvement is demonstrated where upon all set aside monies shall be paid out to the winner.

Agenda 2
Amendment to the US Constitution

Congress shall make no law under which they or any, member of the federal executive or judiciary shall have any rights or freedom from prosecution under any law binding on the citizens in general. Any existing laws of the latter nature shall be immediately declared null and void, except those expressly delineated in the constitution in the main or under any amendment thereof.

Agenda 3
Build a lossless power distribution (superconducting power line) from Alaska to Panama.

Agenda 4
Build a lossless power distribution (superconducting power line) from Colorado to New York,New York.

Agenda 5
Build a Levitated Electric Train system over the power distribution lines (using the magnetic field of the power lines to levitate) that reaches speeds of over 5000 mph running back and forth between Alaska and Panama, Colorado and N.Y.C.

Agenda 6
Make the transport and power distribution infrastructure of Agenda 3 above a for profit company with 45% ownership (balance publicly traded) shared based on contributions to construction by the countries in the alliance and with all profits from these enterprises in each country dedicated to a universal health care fund.

Agenda 7
A. Create a North American free trade zone and travel zone from Panama to the artic ocean.

1. Standard ID for all people in the region.
2. No birthright citizenship- regardless of place of birth, child receives citizenship of mother only.
3. Joint Naval force (Coast Guard) to suppress smuggling, illegal fishing, and illegal immigration.
4. Joint border patrol force at the Panama Canal Zone.

Here is my 06 annual savings analysis based on googled budgets from INS and Border Patrol.

Agenda 7 results in substantial cost savings (defending a border as long as the Panama Canal instead of the Canadian and Mexican borders combined). It would be reasonable to assume that the cost now is a function of the border length so 51 miles/10,000 miles (you have to include the Alaskan border with Canada) or .5% of the present costs of 1.4 BILLION or a savings of $1.393 Billion dollars (in the US alone).

Also the same idea (given that Mexican and Canadian illegals are eliminated entirely) cuts the INS budget by more then half (6.3 Billion to 3 Billion).

Total U.S. Savings almost 5 Billion Dollars!!

Agenda 8
In recognition of the continuing heritage of Spanish speakers in most of the United States, and the Americas (continents north and south) we shall pass a law requiring all new U.S. High School Graduates and legal Immigrants to be competent in English and Spanish.
1. All official business of the federal government shall be in English only.
2. All ballots and supporting documents shall be available on the internet written and oral in every language currently in use in the United States.
3. All federally generated identification (SSI#, passports, law enforcement documents etc.) shall be printed in English and Spanish.
4. No immigrant shall be naturalized who is not competent in English and Spanish.

I could lead the Junk Yard Dog Party. Humpty Dumpty was shoved hard.

The main idea here is: Follow the rules of cause and effect in contrast to the way it now is in the USA. Now the majority of Federal and State laws are based on hysteria and special interest agendas. The way it now is you need to comission an encyclopedia
to define all the existing legalized stupidity.

nobody reads shouts BOYD

I feel its time someone addressed the "loss-less power grid" idea so we can get back to policy that has a chance of attracting a base of support.

A "loss-less" power system is a Man on Mars project, not currently technologically feasible, let alone financially sound. It is like a host of mega-engineering projects that look good on paper but ultimately fail to spark public support. Why loss-less power and not a "space elevator"? Why a nationwide network of 5000 mph mag-lev trains and not transporter technology?

Does the new Centrist Party want to stand for large scale public expenditures built on the model of Amtrak? Does the Centrist Party want to subsidize a power grid for Latin America? Do Panamanians need to get to California at 5000 mph?

I do not mean to quell enthusiasm for new ideas by any means. But our current social problems have, in my opinion, more to do with the soul of our country and what we as a nation mean to the 21st Century. The legacy of a nation that was an Arsenal of Democracy in WWI and the developer of the Marshall Plan in the 1950s has been hi-jacked by people who believe America represents torture, neo-colonial wars, and government for the highest bidder. Star Trek is not the analogy we should be looking at but the warning of Rome: Republics can be swept away by Empires if we choose expediency over what is right.

Let us dream big and propose big, but let us also understand that a "loss-less" power grid is not a national agenda. It is just another project to be no-bid outsourced to Bechtel.

We need independent fuel cells attached to each home and business that prevent the need for nationwide power distribution systems. Energy independence starts at home.

That's the way it looks from up here. BUTEO

Thanks for your criticism buteo!

Infrastructure as Economic Muscle!
I am willing to concede that the projects we put forward are debatable but the need for 21st Century infrastructure for North America is a core Agenda for our Unity08 project. Only such advances can propel our region forward in the coming economic competition of regions that will be a cornerstone of the economic reality of this century.

The Debate
Now lets get on with the "debate" about projects and means.

In fact a superconducting power "Backbone" for the US, Canada and Mexico is not " currently technologically unfeasible". Work done in Japan and in my home town at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory puts the project clearly in the realm of doable now and on a cost effective basis (it makes economic sense). This is a factual matter best discussed in detail off-blog (at least off this blog).

The Lossless Backbone takes advantage of the natural concentration on a northeast/southwest line of large population centers and major hydro and other power generators from Toronto to Ciudad Juarez (and thence west) along a dogleg line going from Toronto through Buffalo, NY then from just above the border of Mexico (where a leg dips into Ciudad Juarez) west to Los Angeles.

Cheap Real Estate!
Such a system is cost justified as it is built with the biggest returns in servicing large population areas suseptible to brownout and other capacity limits. Lessons and improvements from the initial construction make the add ons that extend it to the far north for Alaskan hydroelectric power (Ramparts Dam!) and South to Mexico City and beyond cost justifiable by future generations. Like the highway systems in Europe and the United States to be first provides enormous economic benefit, and it does not happen overnight. The system does not need and should not actually reach directly into high density population centers it need only be adjacent to the main grids which service these areas preferably at multiple connection points a parallel system of standard high tension sub-grids essentially what is in place today. Thus the system is meant to use the lowest cost real estate and buried many feet underground in fact works quite well under existing farms and highways.

Viva Co-Generation!
There is reason to regard such a lossless system as very helpful to local power generation means. Vastly improved power distribution is a friend to local co-generation making it possible for solar panels on homes in New Mexico to help power air conditioners in LA in the summer and heating systems in Chicago in the winter.

Congressional districting is a kind of meta-issue (agenda item) that should be addressed along with some of the other issue specific agenda items Unity08 has cited (e.g. dependence on foreign oil, etc.).

The creation of congressional districts is delegated to the states in the constitution. In this way, the framers believed that the sovereignty of states could be protected from the tendency of the federal goverment (or any government for that matter) to accrue power as a matter of course (power being a self-seeking end in itself).

Further, the framers envisioned the role of the congress as the most directly representative body for the people-- the most directly accountable because of smaller close-to-home districts and a 2 year election cycle. These safeguards, they figured, were sufficient to protect the institution of the house of representatives; that the people could effect real change through the house if unsatisified with the performance of the federal congress in particular and the federal government in general.

There were other considerations in the construction of the house of representatives. They figured the proposed and ultimately adopted and ratified design of of the house, because it drew from such a large pool of the population and from such a diversity of states and districts, that it would serve as a protection against the real and perceived evils of "faction."

Well, over time power has sought itself out and has taken a reasonable construction (really, actually a revolutionary construction of a representative body and its role in the larger federal structure) and figured out how to work around the safeguards.

We all know that incumbancy, party support (the party base or faithful), and corporate contributions to reelection campaings are real impediments to change in the people's elected representatives.

Representative districts are further protected and institutionalized through the redistricting process, controlled at the state level-- but directed by the party in power at the state level.

This situation is antithetical to intended role of the federal house of representatives.

I am all for addressing an issue list and I certainly appreciate the distiction Unity08 has drawn between crucial issues and important issues; but the need for institutional reform to make the house of representatives more responsive to middle America is a critical component to successful long-term change.

Our government is a government founded on principals and ideals-- on the assumption that competing interests must be set against one another in a way that works towards and protects the common good. There was no illusion on the part of our county's founders that benevolence, good will, and civic virtue would be enough to sustain a federated republic. They understood power would alway challange and seek to usurp "right" and the only protection against it was to create institutions responsive to the calls of the majority (though tempered by the senate and a bill of rights0-- to the needs and desires of the commom people (that's us).

Congressional districting should be reformed to in a way that reflects those goals, that fulfills that promise and completes that portion of the balance of power equation.

If this issue is not addressed, we may win a skirmish on some specific issues that are relevent and crucial today, but we will leave no real legacy of change for our countrymen and women that follow us.

Collectively we have a rich inheretence from our forebears. Let us reinvest in the ideals and government that they left to our care. Let's strive to leave our governmental institutions in better shape than we found them-- holding true to the ideals expressed in the declaration of independence and in our national constitution.

Anybody else think this is important?

Thanks Vic. A thoughtful reply to my post. Wow. On any other blog I would have been accused of being a "traitor" a "socialist" a "Christianist" or some other thing. You reaffirm my faith that this coalition has a future.

As for me, I am building a straw bale home in New Mexico as a pioneer in the New Green Economy.

That's the way it looks from up here. Buteo.

A complete reorganization of the Congressional Districts is in my mind a non-starter for a third party built on the internet. Instead we should focus on a means (our Internet resource) to gain strategic advantage over the incumbents and show our ability (or lack thereof) to influence the coming 08 elections.

Secret Strategies
Unique strategic advantages certainly will require secrecy since such an advantage cannot be sustained if the competition is not only aware of it but can participate freely to disable or redirect it (spies in our BlogSpace?).

Spies is Us
In fact we should assume that most of the Anonymous authors are in fact party stooges.

Third Party Legacy
Like most third parties we can hope that ideas we put forward that catch the attention of the electorate will be adopted by one or both of the governing parties and made a part of their platforms (engulf and conquer).

This is not an unacceptable result for those of us who seek to influence change without personal reward.

I thank you buteo! I saw some great Straw homes in Kalispel Montana a couple years ago. Good luck with the mice and fungus!

At some point we need to be working together as a group with confidence in the identity and intentions of our co-members.

Anonymous doesn't cut it.
Can anyone defend anything short of a solid means of indentification by some internal mechanism of Unity08?

As a inventor and patent holder of many new web based techniques for group activities and other scalable transactions I am prepared to contribute and use these ideas and more within Unity08 to create a new machine for democracy via the internet.

However, I for one don't really want to spend my time if the organizers of Unity08 don't step up to the plate VERY SOON and explain how we can work together without a vetting mechanism and appropriately restricted communications for some ACTION COMMITTEES of Unity08.

That is unless the REAL purpose of Unity08 is a bi-partisan effort to draw out the independent minded in the BlogoSphere and coopt them from freely influencing the nominations and elections in 08.

The "Big War" - "Global War on Terrorism"
Active Wars - Iraq/Afghanistan
"Enemies" - Iran, China, others
Expanded National Debt
Growing National Trade Deficit
Uncontrolled Immigration - Cheap Labor
Corporate Pyramiding/Concentraton
Corruption-Corp. America/Congress
"Free Trade" Agreements
Massive TaxCuts-for Wealthy Minority
Government Expansion - Powers/Size

Can anyone connect the dots here as to who benefits from all these?
( Well, actually, they are not dots - they are $)

OK Plubius et al I'll give Shoutbox a try and see if it meets the needs I perceive at least in part.

The one need it clearly doesn't meet is the need for a vetted committee structure. Unless we, the members apparent, to be excluded from such core decision making bodies?

I've already learned that I can't log in to this Blog with my name Vic, even though I entered my registered email address!

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