Trivia quiz: Who gave this advice to the Founding Fathers:

posted by Publius on July 12, 2024 - 10:20am

“They need a government of national unity… Leaders must agree to a decision-making process that gives political minorities confidence that that the majority will share power and take their legitimate concerns into account… Leaders need to govern from the center, not the ideological extremes.”

No. It wasn’t Jefferson or Washington or Madison. It was Zalmay Khalilzad, US Ambassador to Iraq, speaking of the founders of the new Iraqi government. (L.A. Times 2/12/06)

Have we lost over here what so many died to build over there?

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From Publius we hear that Zalmay Khalilzad has advised Iraqis (and all anti-totalitarians who will listen) that "Leaders need to govern from the center, not the ideological extremes.”

Yet there are the giant size issues of (1) the war against Muslim Jihadists and (2) the contest (to bring in the law to protect economic rights and respect for the methods of science), that pits Capitalist Fundamentalism against Outcome-oriented Altruism.

Merely capitalizing MJ's and CF's shows the extreme passions aroused by these two extreme enemies of the people: how can we govern from the center without allowing these bastards to ruin the earth in our lifetime -- how can we avoid an extreme defense when the fates they have in store for us (capitulation to totalitarianisms like those of Hitler and Stalin--if we do not kill the Jihadists; and wage slavery without mercy--if we do not out-vote the Capitalist Fundamentalists,) can fairly be seen as fates worse than death.

"Unity" to return to the "center" wherein we sat on our hands and watched things get worse? Or unity to mount a passionate defense of liberty and human rights? Which do we want?

Everyone here is afraid to look human rights in the eye, and at reform, of American taxes and capital formation and employment systems, that will be necessar,y if the human rights our soldiers and their allies are dying for abroad are to be protected from extremists who would destroy us at home.

John Gelles

Unity-now wiki
My Website

Human rights and how to pay for them are key to a livable world.

Items for a Unity08 agenda:

  • LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND ... Develop an affordable plan to ensure that no one is left behind -- so that all have a job or are self-employed and enjoy not less than a decent minimum income.
  • SECURE OUR BORDERS ... Secure them from tresspass for any reason that is against the law. Examine immigration law and regulations with a view to protecting the nation from economically driven private invasions that promise hardship for Americans and the illegals, as well.
  • THE TWO CHILD LAW ... Consider voluntary practice and real monetary reward for women who agree to and comply with a limit of two children for every mother.
  • ENERGY INDEPENDENCE ... Research and develop high tech solutions for our energy needs, including conservation and clean energy systems (based on North American sunshine, wind, waves, tides, biomass, coal, oil, and oil sands.)
  • MISSISSIPPI DELTA and GULF COAST PROPERTIES ... Invest to develop and restore the immense national treasure represented by our Gulf Coast from Mexico to Key West. Scour the coasts of the world and all the sources of engineering knowledge to create protection from wind and water that is the gold standard on planet Earth.

Alan D. is a friend whose counsel I value.

World is banked like road. Money rolls to shoulders. Only pennies along line, hoopti.

I'm an United Kingdom citizen, legally residing in the US.

I live in Belton, just south of Kansas City.

I just called the office of Senator Kit Bond, wanting to show my concern of plans for a pre-emptive Nuclear Strike on Iran by the United States.

Now I'm scared. Scared that the patriot act will be enacted as a way of detaining me without trial, without representation and without hope.

The writing is on the wall that this president has the potential to push this world over the brink, and all of us are too lulled by gas prices, and economy concerns to see what he's capable of.

What I want from a future presidential candidate is not to be scared like this. And the purpose of this post is to know that at least I acted, and that my actions have been recorded. I'm beginning to wish I hadn't hit the radar.




1) Hope you are otherwise enjoying your stay here.

2) Chill out.

3) Your concerns our specious but what the heck it is a slow day on the site today.

4) Amazingly our equal protection clause applies even to you and you are allowed to contact our elected official; no donations though so keep your wallet in your pocket!

5) You are no more at risk than you would be back home with your countries anti-terrorism laws.

6) BTW while we are helping each other out my ancestors were so scared of y'all that we moved here. Could you contact your Parliment and have them give the rest of Ireland back to the Irish if they are not too busy.



Oh, by the by could you post your address (saves the trouble of back tracking your IP).

Please stay at your current location and when the black SUV's arrive come out slowly and make no sudden moves.

You'll love Club Gitmo



re: Probably irrelevant, possibly selfish, absolutely had to write


Let me recommend a book to you. It's "Shackleton" and found on Amazon. It will help you find your manhood. You will need it as your living in the land of the free and home of the brave. You may want to change your sissy name as well.

Adrian I think you’re watching too much BBC before bed time. Just go down to your local Home Depot and ask a day laborer what he thinks of George Bush and his policies.

or their sense of what freedom is.. and they certainly have not lost their will..... walk down main street and you will understand.. that the american spirit is alive..

Have they lost faith in the " recylce of news every four hours" ?

The talking heads are only listened to inside the beltway and the blogs affect the right and left spectrums....

The middle is calmly worrying about braces, college fund, retirement fund and oh yes health insurance..

There is no talk of Unity or a loss of freedom ...

This is begining to be talking heads on the internet....

all talk and no action.. Questions posed and answered.. again and again....



You are so CORRECT!

Is your group in OK focused on a specific candidate. Have you agreed on a specific set of principles and action items?



1. Oklahoma is the only state that in 2024... your only choices were either Bush or Kerry..

Our group is going to change that situation by creating an Oklahoma Party....and getting on the ballot... The second level is to find candidates at the local and county level..... building from the grassroots up....

2.. Our faith is in the voter and our group is going to be community based.

Increase of the minumun wage, reducing unfunded mandates be they state or federally inspired... raising of teachers salaries in Oklahoma..... Rural Economic development.. HOt button issues we are letting each person decide.....

Finally it is about the freedom to disagree, but not be bitter about the election..

In my local American Legion there are still veterans who dont talk to each other because of the swift boat ads..

Our fledging group has found the common ground by resolving to work on the issues that the majprity favor......

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