Calling John Hancock: It’s your last chance to sign!

posted by Publius on July 7, 2024 - 11:29am

Come Monday, we will deliver your Declaration of Independence to the leaders of Congress just as they are returning from their 10-day Fourth of July vacation. (You got one of those too, didn’t you?)

Do you know how many people signed the original Declaration of Independence in 1776? Exactly 56. 56 people changed the world. Just think what 8,000 or 9,000 or 10,000 can do today.

Have you signed? If so, thank you. But have your friends signed? Your neighbors and co-workers? Now’s the time! And don’t forget Aunt Millie.

Add your signature here!.

Tell your friends to sign here!.

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So, so much for the July 7 deadline, I guess. Whatever, that's cool.

The words of our third president may be as appropiate today as at anytime in our history. Let us take heed to make it our duty to agree with his words:
"Return with joy to that state of things, when the only questions concerning a candidate shall be, is he honest? Is he capable? Is he faithful to the Constitution? Every honest man acts to flow from honest principles, and the rogues may rail without intermission. Our part is to pursue with steadiness what is right, turning neither to the right nor left for the intrigues or popular delusions of the day, assured that the public approbation will in the end be with us."
Thomas Jefferson, December 20, 1801

Funny how Bush has quit saying "jobs Americans WON'T do---to jobs Americans AREN'T doing"--how about this--here's a Job We, the American people, WILL DO!--We will replace ALL of the politicians who WON'T & AREN'T doing their JOB!

Exactly Linda! You just hit the nail on the head... the people are consolidating and right in front of our eyes the leadership is responding to this website and others when we give them positive feedback... the problem is that our leaders are only as good as we are... so lets buckle down and give them direction, because now we can communicate directly with them ... as this is our job....

Too bad the Founding Fathers didn't see the need for term limits, intiative and referendum (similar to California), and ballot access to anyone (also similar to California). If we ever get our country back that those should be the next three amendments. California doesn't alsways do a lot of things right but those last two things they got right. The two-party stranglehold is maintained by restrictive ballot access laws and by lack of grassroots initiative and referendum by the citizenry to get laws passed or repealed in spite of congressional corruption and special interests. Not a panacea but at least it and term limits give us more control over Congress.

I share Unity08's disgust with the misplaced priorities of most politicians. However, I fail to see how the Declaration of Independence does anything to address the issue of partisan politics (or any other issue for that matter). Wouldn't Unity08's scant resources be best spent elsewhere?

stop gap measures for the failure of the two parties to represent the country.

The California situation is a mess. It's gotten to the point where the elected leaders can't lead. And some people like it that way, but it makes a mockery of the democratic process.

Term limits are, in fact, a very good idea, initiative and referendum should be used sparingly at the state and local levels.

Referendum should never be used to write Federal legislation.

The party and the lobbyist live happily everafter.
We rotated troops out of Iraq. We rotated troops out of Vietnam. It didn't change the war.

I continue to find hope in the words of our past great leaders, who sought no gain for themselves.

"I indulge a single hope, that the choice of President may fall on one who will be a freind of peace, of economy, of the republican principles of our Constitution, and of the salutary distribution of powers made by that between the general and the local governments. To promote, therefore, unanimity and perseverance in this great enterprise, to disdain despair, encourage trial, and nourish hope, are the worthiest objects of every political and philanthropic work. We, too, shall encounter follies; but if great, they will be short; if long. they will be light; and the vigor of our country will get the better of them. Should things go wrong at any time, the people will set them to rights by the peaceable exercise of their elective rights."
Thomas Jefferson, May 3, 1823

we all cry we want more from our politicians....but for heavens sake, we elect these perhaps we should all be a bit more interested in who these people really are before we give them our precious vote.

Yesterday there were three threads on

1. possible candidates for
president and vice president

2. the agenda and the need for convention and the how the group might evolve.... Its my personal opinion if no plan to make it a political party, then most likely failure

As someone new to the discussion, I returned today to read more, but it appears those threads have morphed into rambling issue threads....

Imagine some one new looking at the site.. sure there is the basics... but what if the person wants to do more than sign the declaration and discuss abstract issues....

Unity 08 cannot be a herd of cattle milling around... contedntly grazing on the grasses of " we are going to change the two major political partys "

Those two major political parts are going to need tofear that those voters might "stampede away from their party"

Can there be one thread which the nuts and bolts of how to bring about grassroots change is discussed?

We all probably hope for a hundred thousand or more signatures. But it is still early in the race for attention to reform. It may be that we will need to find a few specific issues beyond the idea of unity. For myself, I like the Fair Tax or tax reform, and Fed Lending Directly to the US or monetary reform.


John Gelles

Unity-now wiki
My Website

Human rights and how to pay for them are key to a livable world.

Grassroots changes needs more than netroots efforts like this can accomplish. Netroots is a useful starting point, but the real work begins on the ground, at the local level.

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