We Want Your Ideas on How to Get More!

posted by Publius on June 30, 2024 - 4:06pm

If you signed the Declaration of Independence , thank you. Your Congress may not thank you, but your country does.

But if we put our heads together we can make this Declaration even louder. How can we make sure that the Declaration of Independence gets sent around the country thousands more times- and signed by everyone who reads it?

Make the Declaration be heard around the country (and especially in Washington DC). Post your thoughts here! Be inventive. Be funny. Be brazen. Be bold.

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"Only the dignity of well paid work will protect you from wanting to die — or becoming a suicide murderer — (if your the sensitive type)."**

This quotation may not be the whole truth: some of the killers see Crusaders, Jews and remnants of Franch and English Colonialism, as their motive for wanting the Caliphilate back without working in science and industry for something like it.

Be all that as it may, let us remember, on this Fourth of July, Thomas Jefferson and the Barbary Wars.

Our president then, and our president now, knew when to make war and when not to cower before Islamist extremism.

Centrism and unity, in the tradition of Jefferson, two Roosevelts, and Bush, means war when we must and peace when's it's just.

Millions may not like war (because Sherman was right: War is Hell) -- but don't imagine the freedom, you have, can be bought in Wal-mart after a round of beers or if your the type, a round of golf.

Presidents are elected who love golf and peace and quiet. Then the Barbary Pirates kick you in the face.

You can take that kicking a few times. But the day arrives when paper tigers burn up with the touch of a common match.

We are not a paper tiger. If you don't like it, give back you freedom now: there are plenty of freedom-loving foreigners anxious to come here, salute our flag and die for what we stand for.
John Gelles

** for more of the quotation goto My wiki

Human rights and how to pay for them are key to a livable world.

Are there any plans for adding the issue of immigration to your platform

I think immigration is a Number 1 issue. If we can't control the borders how can we do anything else. I want more commeents on immigration. Thanks

I think you want http://unity08.com/forum/12

We face the challenge of no policy base because we come from all political philosophy... This will either make Unity08 or break it... we must introduce a diciplined format for policy creation, which will require direct feedback from the people... Something never before done because normally political parties have a unified base for the most part... in our case quite the opposite, we seek to unify a wide base... Here is and example of what I propose... the first multiple choice question would head us in the right direction... QUESTION: Enviornment: There is no debate that drastic moves need to be made, which ideas do you like best ? 1) [ ] YES [ ] NO : Phase out non enviornmentally friendly process with tarrifs, and give subsidies to the eco friendly replacement so that it costs consumers 1/2 as much to use the eco friendly replacement. 2) [ ] YES [ ] NO : Require all energy sources to be produced within the United States, to prevent ocean oil spills, thus driving up cost and forcing eco friendly alternatives. 3) [ ] YES [ ] NO : Continue to import oil but require double hull tankers. 4) [ ] YES [ ] NO : Begin inland drilling of oil in the Southwest United States rather than offshore drilling. 5) [ ] YES [ ] NO : Institute executive order to suspend any activity that the President thinks is a danger to the enviornment. 6) [ ] YES [ ] NO : Ration non eco friendly fuels to force alternative fules, eventually rationing them out completely. 7) [ ] YES [ ] NO : Rather than tax incentives provide immediate cash incentives for purchase of eco friendly cars, both for the maker and buyer. 8) [ ] YES [ ] NO : Phase out cars as we know them for private transportation with state-of-the-art public transportation, at the corner every 5 minutes. 9) [ ] YES [ ] NO : Force car makers, buyers, and users to park the gas cars now and replace them with eco friendly cars immediately, doing so with tax dollars for the most part to make the transfer a non-expense for all.
10) [ ] YES [ ] NO : Provide the U.S. based car industry billions (or whatever it takes) to stop making gas burning cars immediately.
It is the type of questioning in the beginning that gives the people justice in directing us toward policy composition... and is required for this unique movement because we have no core.... www.appyp.com/fix_main.html

Dear Publius, Hearty bravos on your timely arrival. That sacred cow constitution is being cleverly milked. We all know that money contributions above some general amount are not "Freedom of Speech",but a wickedly-good gambling game,that fortunately,keeps the millionaires from jostling us as we're buying our state lottery tickets.Even after this was convincing presented,that this Old-World aristocratic reconquista is overwhelming any "One **man,One vote" original intent,some madcap lawyer-priest would have to light the right candles before that hopefully not-water-damaged document.

Of course, keep emailing our contacts...But in 2024 we will need to be good "grassroots" organizers. How about Unity 08 sending each member a simple handbill which members could run off and distribute in our neighborhoods? The handbill could include a brief intro to the purpose of Unity 08 and direct our neighbors to the website. I would be glad to run off a few hundred and pound the pavement. (What better way to spend the 4th of July!) We don't have to spend all of our time on the internet!

You are right on target and we need TO DEMAND that unity08 disclose its money sources! And return any funds above a general amount by any donor! INTEGRITY STARTS AT HOME!

Speaking of which why hasn't unity08 mades seats on 'the board' available to general members? Should the organization itself not be a democracy with a completely elected board!?!?

If its good enough for America it should be good enough for UNity08!

"To bicker is not to lead."

National purpose is called for but not stated. Can it be anything at all?

By implication w/o specification, our purpose must be national survival -- with honor in tact, population alive, and future unimpaired.

But Faulkner insisted it was to prevail -- not just survive -- that we live and die for.

Now, by implication, it is not to prevail over nothing -- but to prevail over the forces of evil and temptations of sloth.

Which evil? What sloth?

The answer, finally, cannot remain hidden forever:

We must prevail over conquest, enslavement, corruption, ignorance, intolerance, poverty, brutality, and the absence of love for our nation, our children, our neighbors, and our first responders to natural disaster and/or enemy attack.

The government we last voted into power appears to agree on the use of considerable force against conquest and intolerance. It will conquer if it must -- but not be conquered.

Its fight against wage slavery, corruption, ignorance, poverty, and natural and wilful brutality is less sure. Its love for future generations may be in doubt.

We have produced a Declaration to protect in the halls of self-governance the fruits of the Declaration on the Fourth of July, 1776. After 230 years, is the promise being kept?

Frank Schaeffer and Kathy Roth-Douquet wrote "AWOL: The Unexcused Absence of America's Upper Classes from Military Service -- and How it Hurts Our Country"

This book may say it all. It is not the military industrial complex that has done us in. It is the sloth of men and women at the top in money, power and intellectual appetite, that are AWOL. We will not deserve, nor will we receive, any but bitter fruit from our experiment in democracy, if we continue to mock salute an Army in which we do not serve.

John Gelles
Human rights and how to pay for them are key to a livable world.

See below suggestion

Please send to senior Leadership of Unity08

I had a suggestion I sent you guys regarding having a
counter of delegates on the front page of the website
to make our goal and how to reach it.
Furthermore, you could have a cookie or when you log
in it could tell each unity08 member person how many
people he or she has to recruit to make the goal of
20,000,000. This would get us working toward that
goal much faster. Twould inspire us! When we first
started we would have something like 3,561 members who
need to recruit 5,616 (20,000,000/3651) people to
make the 20,000,000 goal. The next time we log in it
might list that we are 123,256 strong and need to
recruit 162 people each. And so on until we reach our
goal. We're not using the power of the Internet to
motivate us and work for us as we're sending out
invitations to friends to join the site. Each person
would have the emails pop up upon log-in of who he or
she has invited thru the website and who out of that
list has joined and who has not for good follow-up for
all the unity08 membership.

If you want to get the code, it is already written at
http://alstrasoft.com/efriends for some nominal fee of
$280 or you could probably get as a donation. Please
lets be in touch to make it happen to make unity08
grow more and more.

Please give me some feedback on this suggestion. If I
don't get any personal feedback, I know this movement
does not merit much. I look forward to your email or
phone call--- 336.908.4133.

I also suggested to put somewhere on the site what all
unity08 is doing to market and make this thing
happen---- putting down objective things so people can
see this thing grow and where it is going. It is much
weaker not to show what is going on than to show and
be concerned that it is not enough. The counter as
the first suggestion mentioned and a weekly or
biweekly newsletter will get members pumping for
membership too.

Personally, after having received a welcome letter
with numerous misspellings and sent email invitations
thru your website that were blank, I'm hesitant to
wear the unity08.com T-shirt I just bought because I'm
very unsure of your organization at this point.
Please bring this up at your next meeting from a
person who used to teach quality improvement and is
giving not only some very good customer feedback, but
great customer suggestions coming from someone who has
taught process improvement for 4 years and been in the
internet business for about the same amount of time.

I look forward to your personal feedback and to
support an improving unity08.

to ramp this thing up and make it happen. Make use of Pareto charts and clustering. Apply Quality Thinking to this and we will grow exponentially.
Talk to me, lets apply clustering and pareto charts to this, delegate properly and we will grow very rapidly. See avidsaver.com/tqt and manager's model at http://avidsaver.com/html/QT022500o3.htm
When we see a clear pareto chart of strategy and goals for our unity08 with pareto charts and make use of structured brainstorming with our 100s of fertile brains making use of clustering, we will rock the proverbial house and make things happen! Contact me for proposal.

We must post 5 or more diversified platforms at the homepage, plaforms from each extreme that include video or audio addresses to move forward... bring these extremes to the center... I will take up the Progressive Futurist plaform ( www.appyp.com/fix_main.html ) for resolutions from that angle, while we need a conservative, liberal, republican and democrat as well. More if we can find people willing to post and update a short position on each issue as communications move forward in "THE HALLS OF UNITY08.COM!" to help find the center with debate, much like in the halls of congress but virually with streaming video! God bless all on this beautiful 4th of July weekend, may your lives be filled with hope and hapinness as we think of those standing in harms way to defend you and I from terrany... for more www.appyp.com/fix_main.html

If you're interested in organized discussions of leading issues, visit the Shoutbox. If you register (quick and easy!), you can post your own topics as well as reply to all threads.

The immigration debate is currently in progress right here...

We really want the discussion of ideas to remain as open as possible at this time, so we will not be posting any "winning" platforms or official stances on the issues currently still under serious discussion and debate.

We definitely agree that counters showing membership and participation are helpful motivators in spreading the word. We're currently focusing on the Declaration, and there is a counter on the home page showing our progress towards the goal of 10,000 signatures. We're almost halfway there!

For any technical issues you encounter when using the web site's tools, please email us at web@unity08.com.

Have a great holiday weekend, and keep the suggestions coming!

The key was making use of Internet code for unity08 hard chargers to be able to track and follow-up all the people they've sent invitations to so they we can roll over your 10,000 goal like a little speed bump!

The 98% of the power of the counter is having the tools for good follow-up for each invitation sent. Here it tis again. Please call for clarification or others please email the leadership too if you get it for more critical mass in this direction:

From the front page have a counter and the number of people you personally need to recruit for the Declaration of Independence Movement or the 20,000,000 person goal or any other movement we do.
Have a cookie or when you log
in it could tell each unity08 member person how many
people he or she has to recruit to make the goal of
20,000,000. This would get us working toward that
goal much faster. Twould inspire us! When we first
started we would have something like 3,561 members who
need to recruit 5,616 (20,000,000/3651) people to
make the 20,000,000 goal. The next time we log in it
might list that we are 123,256 strong and need to
recruit 162 people each. And so on until we reach our
goal. We're not using the power of the Internet to
motivate us and work for us as we're sending out
invitations to friends to join the site.

Each person
would have the emails pop up upon log-in of who he or
she has invited thru the website and who out of that
list has joined and who has not for good follow-up for
all the unity08 membership.
If you want to get the code, it is already written at
http://alstrasoft.com/efriends for some nominal fee of
$280 or you could probably get as a donation. Please
lets be in touch to make it happen to make unity08
grow more and more.

Please give me some feedback on this suggestion. I look forward to your email or
phone call--- 336.908.4133.

I also suggested to put somewhere on the site what all
unity08 is doing to market and make this thing
happen---- putting down objective things so people can
see this thing grow and where it is going. It is much
weaker not to show what is going on than to show and
be concerned that it is not enough. The counter as
the first suggestion mentioned and a weekly or
biweekly newsletter will get members pumping for
membership too.

Unity08 creates on its website the ability of each member to track and follow-up with each invitation we send out. We become stakeholders and owners in the movement and will get 20, to 50, 100 people to sign up. You guys can put up little prizes too which would be cool. But we have to have the tools to work with that show each email address we have invited and the status. The code is already written. Lets do it and make this thing grow! Come on members, I need some more emails posted on several fronts on this to get to the right person(s). We all understand bureaucracies and making things happen.

While we certainly appreciate your thoughts on the web site as a whole, and on the issues about which you are concerned, this topic was created to solicit ideas for spreading the word about the Declaration. As our deadline approaches, we're interested in implementing as many ideas to promote this petition as is possible, so please stay on topic.

You can post any other suggestions about the web site at large, or the topics you feel are important in developing the Unity08 platform in the Shoutbox.

We will be moving off-topic comments in this thread to the appropriate forums.

Thanks for your ideas about promoting the Declaration!

I need members to make comments and contact the leadership by sending emails to all the contact people regarding this topic b/c they may not get it or the right person may not get it.
Checking for clarification to Ensure Unity08 can grow exponentially
if they provide we the members with the correct tools on the Internet to make it happen as the below suggests.

I appreciate the personal note back. Do I understand correctly that you have it in the pipeline that each member will have the status written by each email sent out upon log-in so each member can follow-up as well as get a number of exactly how many people they are responsible for signing up? If this tool were available now, we could go out with an email today, email our friends and get on the phone, and with no problem get the 10,000 people wanted at the end of the weekend. But b/c this tool is not avail. now, I'm not sure we're going to make it. We don't have the tools right now.

Again, I want to check for your understanding of what I propose which is found at the link I gave you at efriends. It would look something like below once it recognized you by your cookie or sign-in:

you have signed up 2 people for the declaration
you have signed up 2 members
We have 20,000,000 mbrs to attain, which you fantastic 4761 mbrs now only need 4300 each to go. The more we get, the less you need to get personally and we will reach our goal.
Lets Change the face of Politics FOREVER!

invitations sent status

jeff@aol.com no status
jim@yahoo.com signed decl
lisa@specware.com signed decl
jane@usair.com no status
john@pkzip.com no status

This makes each one of us objective contributers to the goal. We will get much more traction with this type feedback mechanism in place for all the members. We can stir up members to get others locally who can get 100s of individuals themselves. It makes us feel part of something and we can see what we're doing to help and how we're managing and contributing and who we need to follow-up with via email or phone. Without this, no motivation to do much. Ever heard the comment in today's politics, "we don't get listened to." Without this tool and feedback mechanism, we don't know what we're contributing or not. So, lets watch basketball instead.


Would love to talk to your leadership to help plan strategy. Can help grow exponentially. Reach out to your members and talk to us personally. You will get fantastic contributions! If you don't, you're like all the rest of the movement. Make us feel viscerally a part of something and tap my Internet and strategy knowlege; otherwise, could be make or break.336.908.4133 http://avidsaver.com/proposalgeneralptprogram

How about Unity08 find out how the sendabrick.com folks were so successful... they got over 10,000 people to actually take action that took effort and / or cost money to make their point.

Uo8's petition looks feeble in comparison and if you were a party leader of either donkey or elephant it would be pretty reassuring reading the comments that are all over the place. Volume is low considering all the press Uo8 is getting.

Heck Glenn Beck got 15,000 + people to vote via BBC text message in less than 2 hours... and that took more effort and potentially standard text message fee...

Uo*'s first message / stunt pretty lame...

Many of the thinkers/bloggers/web-sites that I keep up with post once a week. Mostly on Mondays. However, they generally post on the day following a major holiday. That gives us till Wednesday to find some independent-minded bloggers/sites with wide readership. We might try the likes of Global Public Media, James Howard Kunstler, Life after the Oil Crash (updates news listing three-times a week), and Philip Slater for publicity and support. We each need to solicit our particular favorites who have established soap-boxes. These are progressive sites/people maintained by highly motivated and concerned people. We could all try to contact our favorite sites and ask for their support and signatures. I'm going to the above mentioned bloggers/sites now to leave request for support for unity08.com. Let's start strong. Let's get this declaration signed by a multitude.

I "joined" Unity08 after reading a newspaper article about the online group. When I saw the Declaration of Independence, I couldn't NOT sign it, add a note, and immediately forward it to friends and relatives. I've been checking the list, scrolling ALL those pages, to find names of my friends and relatives. Apparently, they are not interested in signing it, although they whine on a daily basis about our incompetent, self-centered, dishonest elected officials in Congress. Some friends I've followed up with have said, "It's not going to do any good". I explain how I strongly disagree. One person flat out lied about having signed it. She didn't sign, but said she did. I think the minimal amount of information gathered when a person "signs" it is appropriate. But I wonder if people think they will end up on a listserv or some other type of list. Also, I would like to be able to send hardcopies of the Declaration to some of my relatives who do not have computers. I'd also be willing to attend the weekly anti-war vigil "downtown" in our small town armed with copies of the Declaration for people to sign if interested. I would feel better about the Declaration and its signatures if I knew that each politician receiving it were to be given the Declaration and signatures on paper as well. I disagree with others here. I DO think the goal will be reached. Others have some good ideas of linking the Declaration to other sites and blogs. A friend of mine who is a media expert and former TV news director, told me that every letter, e-mail, and phone call from a citizen to a representative, counts as ten of the same. "They" figure that for every ONE outraged citizen's comment, there are ten more comments that were not sent by people out of sheer laziness. So one communication counts as ten. PS: one friend said he would take a look at the Declaration, and if no crazies were signing it, he would consider it. ******Someone should immediately remove (if possible) the few idiotic comments on the Declaration that are not relevant and are disgusting.

Thanks for the suggestions, and the enthusiasm! We're hard at work with a few new initiatives to get the word out about the Declaration.

We're trying to stay on top of moderating all comments in the Declaration, but if you find something you consider offensive don't hesitate to drop us a line at web@unity08.com.

As much as is possible, monetary wise, we should generate interest the same way the big two do. Signing a petition makes one seem outside the system, which is where the arguements about things not doing any good I saw from some commenter's relatives came from. We should emphasize the fact that we are trying to make another party, which will send candidates, same as the big two, and try to use some of their methods. Maybe a tv commercial or two if we can afford it?

Actually the big two depend on most people not voting.. and most regular people have voted with their feet. By not showing up.

One of the keys to keeping their jobs is to make sure their people vote and the other guy's people don't.

With only 30% voting in most elections, it only takes a tiny percentage to supply the margin of victory. And the easiest way to motivate that tiny percentage is through fear, pandering, and demogoguery. It's the standard operating procedure of both the Dems and Repubs.

The politicians blame the voters for no being "responsible". But in fact, as long as the experience of politics is based on little real discussion or information, most people make the intelligent choice and stay home.

I think that people want real, useful information in time that it can be considered in making a decision.

Unity '08 should actively support any candidate - Dem or Repub - who will support the kind of transparency that is available with the internet.

check out On Right and Left, a Push for Government Openness - New York Times:

My bet is that if you give people want they want - real information that they can understand - they will not have to be convinced.

How many ads have you seen on the media for Google?

Do we really have a choice for leadership? Who has not been tarnished? Who has not been subjected to compromise and will stand up for the rights of the middle class of American and be able to lead with a vision? These are the questions that must be answered and who will be that someone of real integrity with a vision. And this vision should include accepting the rights of other nations, religions, cultures and their God given right to exist in a world of compassionate order. We as a nation of good people have been terrible deceived by the rampant greed that has caused most to turn to the getting of material possesions as our focus. Have we not lost our moral way? Can we as a people began to see the wrongs we have allowed to occur by letting ourselves to be lead by those who promote fear, greed and deception? The answer lies in our own individual souls. Are we willing to really seek the guidance, trust and words that will bring about true change? The Unity08 movement may help to begin this awareness but our future lies in our ability to look at the cause of the deterioration of this great ideal of government, by the people, for the people and of the people. But in order to do so, we must look to a spirit of integrity that must dwell within each of us and make it a part of any change for leadership. And by our being true to those principles so expressed by our original declaration, we can hopefully look to influence our destiny. Seek me and all else will be given. Those who gave us our Declaration and Constitution were aware of a Higher Being and they relied on that spirit, and it gave us this nation at that time, under God.

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