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John Edwards & Jack Danforth

They are the only two people whose honesty I believe in and trust, that are in politics today.

posted by chuck giles
Wesley Clark & Mike Huckabee

Wes Clark's foreign policy leadership and progressive domestic agenda, augmented by Huckabee's conservative yet modern domestic policy, is just the leadership we need to start the 21st century.

posted by John P
Wesley Clark & Mike Huckabee

Wes Clark's foreign policy leadership and progressive domestic agenda, augmented by Huckabee's conservative yet modern domestic policy, is just the leadership we need to start the 21st century.

posted by John P
John McCain & Hillary Clinton

Good combination of energy and intellect

posted by Ken Knight
Fred Thompson & Barack Obama

We need some people who have common sense and understand the words 'compromise' and 'consensus'

posted by salley kerry
Chuck Hagel & Joseph Biden

2 Moderates that can work together, as proven in the past. Maybe they could bring Congress together also and get things done.

posted by Boyd Scofield
Bill  Richardson & Colin Powell

Bill Richardson is the best qualified candidate in this next election. He's a more moderate dem, who just happens to be hispanic. And Colin Powell is a moderate rep. who has tons of experience and connections in Washington to get things done

posted by David Daniel
Rudy Giuliani & Bill  Richardson

Both of these two have the best interest of the nation at heart and will not be subject to partisan influences.

posted by Michael Atkinson
Rudy Giuliani & Bill  Richardson

Both of these two have the best interest of the nation at heart and will not be subject to partisan influences.

posted by Michael Atkinson
Joseph Lieberman & Rudy Giuliani

a moderate Democrat turned independant, and a moderate republican who turned around NYC.

posted by Bob Harris
Al Gore & Anthony Zinni

I believe that each of these candidates represent competence and integrity desperately lacking in the current administration and most of the other candidates currently in the running for the Democratic and Republican nominations.

posted by Ray Barto
Al Gore & Ken Salazar

I believe both of these cnadidates would bring wisdom, intelligence, perspective, sober judgement, broad experience and partisan respect to the White House.

posted by Al Cannistraro
Dennis Kucinich & Oprah Winfrey

Kucinich is the only politician I ever heard of who knowingly gave up his job to do the right thing, as mayor of Cleveland refusing to sell Muni Light. He's always been anti-Iraq war, he's not afraid to say the "I" word (Impeachment), he even doesn't hate Chávez. And Oprah has made a career of listening to and being loved by the people.

posted by James Hall
Evan Bayh & Elizabeth Dole

Both people with great ideas for our country who can work with members of the opposite party.

posted by Elizabeth Terney

These are principled centralist with bipartisan experience.

posted by kevin farrar
Bill Gates & Mel Martinez

They are not politicians

posted by Roberto Alvarez-Galloso
Barack Obama & Lindsey Graham

These are just first impressions. It would be helpful to have more information on each of the candidates. I tried to select people who have demonstrated thoughtful intelligence and at least some level of bipartisanship.

posted by tbehlmer
Bill  Richardson & Christine Todd Whitman

smartest, most qualified

posted by Peggy Conroy
John McCain & Rod Blagojevich

John McCain has a history of doing what's right for America. Rod Blagojevich is a bright young man who handles pressure very well.

posted by Mark West
John McCain & Joseph Lieberman

I think that these two candidates represent a moderate conserative view point. Just slightly right of center. I also think that they would work very well together. Finally, I feel that this team would accomplish many things over their years in office.

posted by David Rolewicz
Bill  Richardson & Colin Powell

Bill Richardson is a proven statesmen who understands the need for dialog and diplomacy. His ability in both the areas of foreign policy and, from his leadership position as governor of New Mexico, his awareness of the domestic needs of the American people make him the best possible candidate for the Presidency of the United States.

Colin Powell's knowledge of military strategy and the real meaning of what it means to be a soldier could help our country regain a sense of integrity within th

posted by Susan Fitch
Colin Powell & Bill Bradley

Both have demonstrated the ability to work across party lines and actually get things acccomplished.

posted by Nick Nielsen
John McCain & Joseph Lieberman

They both reach across the aisle and get things done.

posted by Chuck Gimmel
John Edwards & Olympia Snowe

I think they would work well together and bring focus to both health and women's issues. They would also use diplomacy rather than war to solve international issues.

posted by Kathleen Taylor
Mitt Romney & Barack Obama

I think Romney might be the most honest of the bunch, maybe. Obama youth and possibility of innovativeness.

posted by Kaya Pace
Bill  Richardson & Ralph Nader

I believe that these candidates have a flare for dealing with issues that is not exactly in accordance with mainstream political wheeling and dealing. Gov. Richardson has a long history of success negotiating deals throughout the world. I believe Ralph Nader would provide a necessary check to the group think that seemingly swallows up most politicians.

posted by Brian Tait
Al Gore & Michael Bloomberg

Combination of proven leadership, environmental vision and effective budget management.

posted by Kevin Mills
Chuck Hagel & Barack Obama

Chuck Hagel best represents those of us who became Republicans in a belief in limited government (as opposed to a co-opter of the Religious Right--my opinion). Barack Obama is lesser experienced but is an honest man capable of great things.

posted by dan lozer
John Edwards & Steve Jobs

John Edwards provides a clear vision for foreign and domestic policy that is based on fair, firm and socially responsible fundamentals.

Steve Jobs is a pioneer in technology and business that can provide a unique vision for corporate policy.

posted by James Lang
Joseph Lieberman & Fred Thompson

Joe Lieberman has the courage to state his beliefs, some liberal some conservative, instead of towing a party line. This has gained him great respect with many from both parties and he has the name recognition to be a viable candidate.

posted by Bob McCracken
Mark Warner & Sonny Perdue

Both candidates have experience as governors, both are moderates, with the political skills needed to move beyond the gridlock. Both have a track record of "getting things done".
Neither is an unelectable jerk.
Both have vision.

posted by Virgil Anderson
Colin Powell & Evan Bayh

These men have displayed a tremendous amount of intelligence, bravery, bipartisanship, and independence. I also feel that these men are concerned with what is right for our country and NOT only their respective political parties. I would be proud to have any of them for President and Vice President.

posted by Paul Gleichner
Mike Huckabee & Joseph Biden

These are the two current presidential candidates who are speaking the most direct to the people ... offering up approaches to problems without being partisan political.

posted by Jim Birkel
Bill  Richardson & Warren Buffett

Both individuals are well rounded and have the experience of leadership, vision.

posted by Andrew Teichner
Chuck Hagel & John Edwards

Chuck Hagel is a moderate GOP leader who has heard the people of this nation and how we want the troops to come home from Iraq. John Edwards is just the man to put forward the social solutions we need to protect our citizens from health related crisises and our nation from global warming.

posted by Amy Tupper
Howard Dean & Chuck Hagel

They are both intelligent, thoughtful men who appear to value country over party.
Howard Dean has executive experience and has balanced budgets. Chuck Hagel has had the integrity of his convictions in opposing the disastrous current administration.

posted by Caroline Perkins
Mike Huckabee & Joseph Biden

These are the two current presidential candidates who are speaking the most direct to the people, offering up non-partisan political solutions to issue/problems.

posted by Jim Birkel
Fred Thompson & Bob Kerrey

This is as close as I can come to honest, intelligent, level headed and moderate.

posted by Richard Longley
Fred Thompson & Joseph Lieberman

All are candidates that allow for house cleaning and fresh air.
I feel all are less partisan than the majority of the other potential candidates.

posted by James Priddy
Joseph Biden & Lou Dobbs

Good experience in foreign affairs, which will be required after eight years of terrible foreign policies. These are serious people with important ideas who are capable of forging bipartisan approaches to the problems which will confront us in the next few years.

posted by Thomas Wills
Gary Hart & Colin Powell

Gary needs to be president, to bring the experience of the RFK thought leadership to its pinnacle. While Obama has raised awareness of those concepts, Gary has spent a life tirelessly working to execute upon them.

Colin is the strongest, most middle of the road honorable non-politico on the map today that should be entrusted with the Presidency in the event of a succession. Ideology has suprassed guiding principles of Love, Truth and Honor. This ticket reaffirms the American will to abide

posted by Brian Jordan
Wesley Clark & Christine Todd Whitman

Clark has military and foreign policy experience. Whitman has experience as a governor and EPA administrator (a job in which she actually tried to do something and was removed by Bush). Both realize how important it is for us to kick the oil habit-- for our environment, or national security, and our economy. And both will stand up to the theocons that have taken over the GOP and who threaten the very survival of our pluralistic and secular republic.

posted by John O'Brien
Michael Bloomberg & Barbara Boxer

First, I think Republicans do a better job on National/Global issues, so I would be incline to pick a center-right Republican as President. Conversely, Democrats are more focused on domestic issues, so a center-left or independent would be my choice for Vice President, with both working closely together in a senior/junior partnership.

posted by Paul Hosse
John Edwards & Bill Cohen

An Edwards - Cohen ticket would have a great amount of balance, in many areas. Both men have remarkable life stories, are exceptional and extremely intelligent. Their integrity is beyond reproach. They are both articulate, at ease with themeslves and others and confident - not arrogant. They have genuine concern for others, the nation - and the world. Both are decent and farir-minded men.

posted by AJ Averett
Joseph Biden & Chuck Hagel

Early on, I feel that Joe Biden has the foreign relations experience that this country needs right now.

Chuck Hagel has got courage and experience.

posted by Sara Cobb
Al Gore & Chuck Hagel

Terrorism is not the greatest threat to this country. The war in Iraq is destroying us. This planet is under severe stress due to global warming. Al Gore is the best person to deal with these issues. Most importantly, both men have as more integrity and are as honorable as any politician today.

posted by Mary Fisher
Chuck Hagel & Joseph Biden

They both have over time expressed their opinions regardless of how it aligns with their party. I feel they both think through the issues and are as honest as any politician in D.C.

posted by Karl Manthei
John Edwards & Colin Powell

Edwards is the only major canditate who makes poverty a top priority. We are forgetting the terrible conditions the poor live in. Meanwhile Powell has the foreing policy experience that Edwards lacks and the credibility world wide.

posted by John Shuman


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