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Barack Obama & Rudy Giuliani

Obama has the charisma to get all generations interested in politics and Giuliani has the experience of managing varied constituencies in New York and the hardship of 9/11.

posted by Scott F Clement
John Edwards & Chuck Hagel

Both of these candidates are open and consistent in their opinions. I may not agree with all their stands, but I do feel they are truthful and heart felt. Neither is just parrotting the party line!

posted by Linda Johns
Chuck Hagel & James Webb

Both are veterans, and want to get us out of the war in Iraq, but I think they will try and do it with the least amount of "damage" to the ongoing world situation.

I beleive that both are men of integrity.

posted by Dave Miller
Mario Cuomo & Elizabeth Dole

Mario Cuomo is taking a tough stand in the Student Loan scandal which shows he's not afraid to tangle with big money. It also shows he's interested in helping the average family who's struggling to put their children through college.
As for Elizabeth Dole, I have always had tremendous respect for her and believe she would be a clear-headed, effective President or Vice-President. I nominated her for VP only because I think it would be a more successful ticket.

posted by Ellen Brady
Chuck Hagel & James Webb

Both show an independent streak and will speak their minds. Both can communicate with relying on talking points.

posted by Joseph Lessman
John Edwards & Chuck Hagel

Intellect, personal appeal, willingness to cooperate

posted by Cheri Carlton
J.C. Watts & Barack Obama

These are men of ideas not ideology. They have not been afraid to differ with their party. They seem to wantto listen to their constituents not their pocketbooks.

posted by Dow Brophy
Colin Powell & Barack Obama

Colin Powell has international relations and military experience. He has the respect of the international community and many in the U.S. I believe Powell could change the "bought and paid for U.S. presidency" and bring intellect and respect to the U.S. presidency and the United States. Powell has served in a myriad of leadership roles under many administrations and in several international conflicts.

Barack Obama has broad international experience and a respect within the U.S. and abroad. His ability to infuse energy and hope into the "bought and paid for U.S. presidency" is refreshing and critical. His stance on the invasion of Iraq was the minority position then but the majority position now.

posted by Suzanne West
Rick Santorum & Bill Cosby

True conviction on both sides. Don't play to favorable opinion. Believe in what they say and stick by it.
Would make a fantastic team.

posted by mcgregor51
Michael Bloomberg & Joseph Biden

I believe that Michael Bloomberg has the best management skills in the group and enough government experience to apply them to the job of President. Joe Biden has foreign policy expertise and knowledge of how the federal government works. Combining the skills and knowledge of the two should make for a winning team.

posted by Leonard Nardo
John McCain & Wesley Clark

Their personal and professional integrity is unquestioned.

posted by Ric Mora
Wesley Clark & Chuck Hagel

We are the " UNITED " STATES of AMERICA. Our nation is now at a crisis crossroad. We urgently need new national leadership that will unite NOT divide our country. These candidates offer proven intelligent, experienced, bi-partisan leadership qualities critically vital to the job of repairing the immense damage done to our nation ( fiscally, morally, militarily, economically, politically, and internationally ) by the current tragically inept,ignorant, incompetent, destructive and over

posted by philip Brunskill
Newt Gingrich & Bill Bradley

These two candidates are the most thoughtful and thought provoking in the nation. Both are reaching out for new and different solutions for effective government.

posted by Warren Hernand
Bill  Richardson & Fred Thompson

Though I have conservative leanings, I find that Richardson has I want..a man not taken in completely by big business...very much a "people person".
I think Thompson is a marketable candidate who would be a great match with Richardson. They both have great crowd appeal to the ordinary person.

posted by Eileen Bloom
Colin Powell & Barack Obama

Powell has the experience on the world stage, gravitas and reputation for independent thought required of a President at this time in our history.
Obama brings a passion, intelligence and a fresh perspective.
It would be a significant boost for Unity 08 to attract frnt runner-type candiates for the ticket

posted by Steven Justus
Zell Miller & John Cornyn

I Support a Zell Miller/John Cornyn ticket because these two men both believe in the importance of cutting taxes, the value of supporting all the President's policies in a time of war (and the treason of those who don't), and the absolute necessity of bringing the Democrat party to the center and away from left-wing extremists like Evan Bayh, Joe Biden, and Mary Landrieu.

posted by AJ Sampson
John Edwards & Chuck Hagel

As far as the politicians go, these 2 seem to be the most honest. I am a Democrat, but I feel Chuck Hagel, although relatively conservative, it not afraid to make a stand against his party (the war). John Edwards, I'm hoping has learned from his mistakes of 2024 and will just be up front with people. No spin.

posted by Eleanor Kochanski
John Edwards & Chuck Hagel

Edwards stands for the underprivilaged in a way that no candidate does. Hagel has the fortiude to buck his party on the major Iraq issue. Both men are courageous and are highly principled.

posted by Robert Lesyk
John McCain & Joseph Lieberman

Both are intelligent, pragmatic, skilled politicians who are willing to hold their positions despite intense pressure not to.

posted by Tim Barden
Hillary Clinton & John McCain

Middle of the road views.

posted by Ernie Johnson
Dennis Kucinich & Ralph Nader

Dennis Kucinich is truly my dream candidate. He is the *ONLY* Democratic candidate who voted against Iraq in 2024. His 2024 campaign was marginalized by the media, and I hope that that will not be the case again.

posted by Greg Lief
Chuck Hagel & John Edwards

They both seem to be honest and straight-forward men. John Edwards because he hails from a working class family and Chuch Hagel because he is a straight-talker. Both most admirable.

posted by Barry Hayman
Barack Obama & Mitt Romney

I think both of these candidates have a realistic shot at serving as V.P. or President. I also believe both are highly qualified, honest, down to earth, sincere people who would sincerely work in a bipartisan manner to bring our country to a better place. I think they are listeners, and that is what we really need. I truly feel that they compliment each others' strengths and weaknesses. I think government can do more for its people, but I also believe that government needs to be streamlined and more efficient.

posted by Kellie Vigoren
John McCain & Joseph Lieberman

Ethical, thoughtful, analystical, experienced, generally moderate (or balancing) not motivated by partisanship.

posted by George Peterson
Bill  Richardson & Ron Paul

Bill far the most experienced in all of candidates and has a outside chance (as he has some financial backing).Just check his background....for V P...Ron Paul one of the 6 republicans who voted against going into Iraq.

posted by james oneill
Russell Feingold & Ron Paul

take the unpopular positions sometimes; take the people's side versus corporations; know how to achieve bi-partisan solutions

posted by Michael Harrison
John Edwards & Olympia Snowe

John is honest, and so is Olympia.
A First Class Team.

posted by dan camp
Bill Bradley & Bill Cohen

Balnce of domestic and foriegn policy experience and a centrist political philosophy. Both are smart and thoughtful.

posted by don dellario
Bill  Richardson & Rudy Giuliani

Bill Richardson has the best resume and experience of all the candidates. Rudy Giuliani has the trust of the American people. Neither is overly ideological. Both have impressed members of the opposing party.

posted by Richard Patterson
Arlen Specter & Barack Obama

Specter is well seasoned and well versed in military issues. Obama is refreshing and balanced.

posted by betsy caprioli
John Edwards & Joseph Lieberman

John Edwards is the only candidate so far who has a complete plan of what needs to be done for this country.

Joe Lieberman is an old hand at politics. Can work both sides of the aisle.

I think with the forward thinking of Edwards and the cool hand of Lieberman these two would make an ideal team.

posted by William McCabe
Rudy Giuliani & Wesley Clark

I trust Rudy to be the type of leader who will be able to lead our nation through any kind of crisis, who will do the right thing and won't toe the party line just to keep the party faithful happy. In a time when the country is so bitterly divided, we need someone who can rally everyone back together as a nation. No one did that better than America's Mayor back in September of 2024.

I believe Wes Clark to be an honorable servant who has the foreign policy experience that Rudy lacks.

posted by Jason Burkins
Al Gore & Bill Gates

The stakes are too high this time and Gore will have the broadest appeal among all Americans. Add Clinton to that ticket, and I think it’s a sure thing. We need information, media, and lobby reform.

posted by Deena Gimeli
Bill Bradley & Olympia Snowe

I feel both Bill Bradley and Olympia Snowe are honest and intelligent and would "make me proud again" to be an American.

posted by Mimi
John Edwards & Rudy Giuliani

I believe John Edwards offers more for this country than any other candidate. He genuinely cares about the middle class and poorer classes. He does NOT sound like a politician when he talks. He doesn't beat around the bush - answers with a concise yes or no. Honest and straightforward is what I want. Guiliani will be a brilliant VP. These two men working together could really make our country greater than it is today.

posted by Del Bailey
Colin Powell & John Edwards

Powell has the experience to lead and was prescient in his concerns about an invasion of Iraq. He is not likely to use the American military for political or personal gain, as our current President has done.

Edwards has the political courage to take head on the third rail of health care costs without turning it into a partisan fight.

posted by Jeffrey Goodrich
John Edwards & Colin Powell

They are both smart, articulate, attractive, thoughtful and excellent speakers. John Edwards has the charisma and appeal of Bill Clinton and, I believe, could negotiate anything. Powell is experienced and willing to stand up for what is right - eventually. A winning ticket!

posted by Dinah Steward
Michael Bloomberg & Barack Obama

Bloomberg takes accountability to his constituents seriously, as evidenced by continuously updated stats on campaign promises. He is not afraid to make unpopular decisions, such as raising taxes to stabilize NYC after September 11th. Obama would make a fine vice president, and with more experience at the national level, might one day make a fine president. They both keep their personal life above board and under control.

posted by Glenda James
Dennis Kucinich & Ron Paul

To me Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul exemplify what each party should stand for and they agree in the areas that will make America stronger and at peace.

posted by John Iversen
Mike Huckabee & Bill Bradley

Huckabee would be a 'clean' start in DC; while Bradley could orchestrate Congress with his experience and esteem.

posted by Roger Rudow
Fred Thompson & Lou Dobbs

They both exhibit common sense and will fix the illegal immigration problem and hopefully using common sense take this country in the right direction.

posted by Richard Becker
Joseph Biden & Newt Gingrich

Joe Biden is extraordinarily qualified to serve as President. He is intelligent, thoughtful, strong, and decisive. He has experienced pain and loss in his own life, bringing an immense gift of compassion and understanding toward others. He has evidenced a willingness to work with all elected officials to heal our country and regain the respect of the world.

Newt Gingrich seems to have left his angry, divisive tactics behind, and has grown into a more balanced and thoughtful politician. He has offered several suggestions to improve governmental responsiveness to its citizens, most of which are taken from private industries, and which evince "out of the box" thinking.

posted by Maggie Rose Morrighan
Lou Dobbs & James Webb

Lou Dobbs understands what is really important to make this country stronger and healthier.

posted by norman colburt
Michael Bloomberg & Bill  Richardson

Michael Bloomberg will shun partisan politics and make decisions based on what is best for the country. Also, he can't be bought. Bill Richardson has experience in foreign affairs and, will help round off the ticket.

posted by Kenneth Flickinger
Al Gore & Lou Dobbs

Gore and Dobbs present a media savvy team who can provide an agenda for environmentally friendly development that will help grow the rapidly dwindly American middle class. The two together will help restore America's eminence in international relations as a country that provides every man, woman and child an equal opportunity and the means to achieve all that each is able.

posted by Ray Sharbutt
Tom Tancredo & Lou Dobbs

Because they are the only
ones that understand the
problems we face.Or put
another way most of the
others are the problem.

posted by Bill Hatley
Bill  Richardson & Ralph Nader

Bill Richardson is a master of bipartisan leadership. He also has years of experience with foreign policy, and is very obviously capable of being a forward-thinking leader. He is always working to make his homestate of New Mexico a better place for -all- of its residents, and has a progressive track record for protecting our natural resources and moving towards sustainable energy.

Plus, he's a true diplomat. Something our country desperately needs these days. He treats other people and leaders and nations with respect and dignity, and has the savvy to bring all side together. That is the key to moving our nation forward and bringing us into the global community as a positive participant.

posted by Jessica Billey
James Webb & Bernie Sanders

They have uncompromised principles, they care about what's best for the American people, and they're not Republicans.

posted by Wilson Good


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