the "Think Independent" reading list

posted by SotaTodd on September 17, 2024 - 4:35pm
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This past month, at the Minnesota State Fair, spreading the word about Independent, common good, common sense candidates running for office this November, we met a lot of folks excited about the issues that matter. But we also met an assortment of folks who had cutting things to say: Running 3rd party candidates just "gives" the election to the Republicans.

Or worse, we heard: "Independent?!? Baloney. That's just an cop-out -- for can't make up your mind!"

It got me thinking: We do have common threads of philosophy among Centrist adherents. What we don't have is a reading list of key texts for the new and curious. (If the neo-cons have William Buckley (and Annie Coulter), who've we got?)

It does the movement well to demonstrate a coherent logic and alignment of Centrist thought. So I've put together a first cut (draft) reading list -- texts that clearly analyze what's happening, and what solutions are available. I'm looking for feedback on my reading list. The list is at

Anyone who wants to suggest additions to the list is welcome to suggest by finding the text on Amazon, going to the "tag this product" section of the Amazon listing, and adding the tag "centrist." (Alternative: you could send me an email too.)

I'm blasting out this email to quite a few friends. Give it some thought -- and put in your 2 cents.

Todd Graham

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