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Reclaiming America from the United States...

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  • From my vantage point, as I look out over my country, I see an ever-growing distinction between America and the United States. Natural beauty versus the indiscriminate raping of the land to extract its abundant natural resources, the promise of Justice for All versus the racially lop-sided incarceration statistics, the Constitution's 'pursuit of happiness' versus the pursuit of material wealth- these are but a few of thousands of examples of how America has lost its lustre as some citizens have engaged in the construction of Empire United States. Well, fellow Unity08ers, History records the inevitable course of empires all too clearly. If we wish to avoid being yet another empire fallen, attacked from without and corrupted from within, I submit we might begin by returning to our beginnings.

    Although I am a Euro-American, I cannot deny that one of our first wrong turns was in the treatment of the native peoples. Now, I fully recognize that many mistakes in the past cannot be corrected; however, I fully embrace the idea that many mistakes can be corrected. I submit that we, as a nation of noble ideals, should recommit ourselves to fulfilling all treaties negociated between the Native Nations of 'North America' and the federal government of the United States of America to the greatest extent possible. Where necessary, these treaties should be nullified and/or renegociated. I am attempting to submit this proposal (in the form of an issue question) to all major candidates for President of the United States of America for their response. It seems to me a telling indication of their national/historical perspective.

    Perhaps if the United States cleans up some of its mess from the past, our present would seem less confused and America's promise more attainable. Perhaps...

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